Class TokenInfo

  extended by ir.vsr.TokenInfo

public class TokenInfo
extends java.lang.Object

A lightweight object for storing information about a token (a.k.a word, term) in an inverted index.

Field Summary
 double idf
          The IDF (inverse document frequency) factor for this token which indicates how much to weight an occurence.
 java.util.List<TokenOccurrence> occList
          A list of TokenOccurences giving documents where this token occurs
Constructor Summary
          Create an initially empty data structure
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public double idf
The IDF (inverse document frequency) factor for this token which indicates how much to weight an occurence. Tokens that appear in many documents are not very discriminative and therefore weighted less.


public java.util.List<TokenOccurrence> occList
A list of TokenOccurences giving documents where this token occurs

Constructor Detail


public TokenInfo()
Create an initially empty data structure