(aignet-set-nxst f reg aignet) adds a next-state node to the aignet.
Logically this is just:
(cons (nxst-node (aignet-lit-fix f aignet) (aignet-id-fix regid aignet)) aignet)
The fixing here ensures that well-formedness of the network is preserved unconditionally.
In the execution we update the necessary arrays, counts, etc.
(defun aignet$a::aignet-set-nxst^ (f reg aignet) (declare (xargs :guard (and (litp f) (natp reg) (aignet$a::aignet-well-formedp aignet)))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (aignet$a::id-existsp (lit->var f) aignet) (< reg (aignet$a::num-regs aignet)) (< (aignet$a::num-nxsts aignet) 536870911)))) (let ((__function__ 'aignet$a::aignet-set-nxst^)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (cons (nxst-node (aignet-lit-fix f aignet) reg) (node-list-fix aignet))))