Turn a VL design into an SVEX hierarchical design, with options given by a vl-simpconfig object.
(vl-to-sv x config) → (mv err modalist good bad)
(defun vl-to-sv (x config) (declare (xargs :guard (and (vl-design-p x) (vl-simpconfig-p config)))) (let ((__function__ 'vl-to-sv)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((x (vl-design-fix x)) ((vl-simpconfig config)) (x (if config.already-annotated x (cwtime (vl-annotate-design x config)))) (x (cwtime (vl-design-addnames x))) (pre-topmods (append config.pre-elab-topmods (vl-user-paramsettings->modnames config.user-paramsettings))) (post-topmods (append config.post-elab-topmods (vl-user-paramsettings->unparam-names config.user-paramsettings))) (x (if config.pre-elab-filter (cwtime (vl-remove-unnecessary-elements pre-topmods x)) x)) ((mv good bad) (cwtime (vl-simplify-sv x config))) ((vl-design good) good) (bad-mods (difference (mergesort post-topmods) (mergesort (vl-modulelist->names good.mods)))) ((when (and (not config.allow-bad-topmods) bad-mods)) (cw "Reportcard for good mods:~%") (cw-unformatted (vl-reportcard-to-string (vl-design-reportcard good))) (cw "Reportcard for bad mods:~%") (cw-unformatted (vl-reportcard-to-string (vl-design-reportcard bad))) (mv (msg "The following modules were not among the good simplified ~ modules: ~x0~%" bad-mods) nil good bad)) (good.mods (redundant-mergesort good.mods)) ((unless (uniquep (vl-modulelist->names good.mods))) (mv (msg "Name clash -- duplicated module names: ~&0." (duplicated-members (vl-modulelist->names good.mods))) nil good bad)) (good1 (change-vl-design good :mods good.mods)) (good2 (if config.post-elab-filter (vl-remove-unnecessary-elements post-topmods good1) good1)) ((mv reportcard modalist) (xf-cwtime (vl-design->svex-modalist good2 :config config))) (good (vl-apply-reportcard good2 reportcard))) (cw "~%") (cw-unformatted "--- VL->SV Translation Report -------------------------------------------------") (cw "~%") (cw-unformatted (vl-reportcard-to-string reportcard)) (and (vl-design->warnings good) (progn$ (cw "Warnings for the top-level design:~%") (cw-unformatted (vl-warnings-to-string (vl-design->warnings good))))) (cw-unformatted "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------") (cw "~%~%") (and bad-mods (progn$ (cw "Reportcard for bad mods:~%") (cw-unformatted (vl-reportcard-to-string (vl-design-reportcard bad))) (cw-unformatted "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------") (cw "~%~%"))) (mv nil modalist good bad))))
(defthm modalist-p-of-vl-to-sv.modalist (b* (((mv ?err ?modalist ?good ?bad) (vl-to-sv x config))) (sv::modalist-p modalist)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm vl-design-p-of-vl-to-sv.good (b* (((mv ?err ?modalist ?good ?bad) (vl-to-sv x config))) (vl-design-p good)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm vl-design-p-of-vl-to-sv.bad (b* (((mv ?err ?modalist ?good ?bad) (vl-to-sv x config))) (vl-design-p bad)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm modalist-addr-p-of-vl-to-sv-core (b* (((mv ?err ?modalist ?good ?bad) (vl-to-sv x config))) (sv::svarlist-addr-p (sv::modalist-vars modalist))))