Generate a file set from the ATC targets, and accompanying events.
(atc-gen-fileset targets path-wo-ext proofs prog-const wf-thm fn-thms header print names-to-avoid state) → (mv erp fileset events updated-names-to-avoid)
This does not generate actual files in the file system: it generates an abstract syntactic C file set.
In order to speed up the proofs of the generated theorems for the function environment for relatively large C programs, we generate a theorem to ``cache'' the result of calling init-fun-env on the generated translation unit (obtained by preprocessing the generated C file set), to avoid recomputing that for every function environment theorem. We need to generate the name of this (local) theorem before generating the function environment theorems, so that those theorems can use the name of this theorem in the hints; but we can only generate the theorem after generating the translation unit. So first we generate the name, then we generate the translation unit, and then we generate the theorem; however, in the generated events, we put that theorem before the ones for the functions.
(defun atc-gen-fileset (targets path-wo-ext proofs prog-const wf-thm fn-thms header print names-to-avoid state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (symbol-listp targets) (stringp path-wo-ext) (booleanp proofs) (symbolp prog-const) (symbolp wf-thm) (symbol-symbol-alistp fn-thms) (booleanp header) (evmac-input-print-p print) (symbol-listp names-to-avoid)))) (let ((__function__ 'atc-gen-fileset)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((reterr) (irr-fileset) nil nil) (wrld (w state)) ((mv appcond-events fn-appconds appcond-thms names-to-avoid) (if proofs (b* (((mv appconds fn-appconds) (atc-gen-appconds targets (w state))) ((mv appcond-events appcond-thms & names-to-avoid) (evmac-appcond-theorem-list appconds nil names-to-avoid print 'atc state))) (mv appcond-events fn-appconds appcond-thms names-to-avoid)) (mv nil nil nil nil))) (wf-thm-events (atc-gen-wf-thm proofs prog-const wf-thm print)) (init-fun-env-thm (add-suffix-to-fn prog-const "-FUN-ENV")) ((mv init-fun-env-thm names-to-avoid) (fresh-logical-name-with-$s-suffix init-fun-env-thm nil names-to-avoid wrld)) ((erp exts-h exts-c fn-thm-events names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-ext-declon-lists targets nil nil nil proofs prog-const init-fun-env-thm fn-thms fn-appconds appcond-thms header print names-to-avoid state)) (file-h (and header (make-file :declons exts-h))) (file-c (make-file :declons exts-c)) (fileset (make-fileset :path-wo-ext path-wo-ext :dot-h file-h :dot-c file-c)) (init-fun-env-events (atc-gen-init-fun-env-thm init-fun-env-thm proofs prog-const fileset)) (const-events (and proofs (atc-gen-prog-const prog-const fileset print))) (events (append appcond-events const-events wf-thm-events init-fun-env-events fn-thm-events))) (retok fileset events names-to-avoid))))
(defthm filesetp-of-atc-gen-fileset.fileset (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?fileset ?events ?updated-names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-fileset targets path-wo-ext proofs prog-const wf-thm fn-thms header print names-to-avoid state))) (filesetp fileset)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?fileset ?events ?updated-names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-fileset targets path-wo-ext proofs prog-const wf-thm fn-thms header print names-to-avoid state))) (pseudo-event-form-listp events)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm symbol-listp-of-atc-gen-fileset.updated-names-to-avoid (implies (symbol-listp names-to-avoid) (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?fileset ?events ?updated-names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-fileset targets path-wo-ext proofs prog-const wf-thm fn-thms header print names-to-avoid state))) (symbol-listp updated-names-to-avoid))) :rule-classes :rewrite)