Generate the applicability conditions.
(atc-gen-appconds targets wrld) → (mv appconds fn-appconds)
Also return an alist from the recursive target functions to the corresponding applicability condition names.
We skip over defstruct names, defobject names, and non-recursive function names.
(defun atc-gen-appconds (targets wrld) (declare (xargs :guard (and (symbol-listp targets) (plist-worldp wrld)))) (let ((__function__ 'atc-gen-appconds)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((when (endp targets)) (mv nil nil)) (target (car targets)) ((when (not (function-symbolp target wrld))) (atc-gen-appconds (cdr targets) wrld)) ((when (not (irecursivep+ target wrld))) (atc-gen-appconds (cdr targets) wrld)) (meas (measure+ target wrld)) (name (packn-pos (list 'natp-of-measure-of- target) :keyword)) (formula (cons 'natp (cons meas 'nil))) (appcond (make-evmac-appcond :name name :formula formula)) ((mv appconds fn-appconds) (atc-gen-appconds (cdr targets) wrld))) (mv (cons appcond appconds) (acons target name fn-appconds)))))
(defthm evmac-appcond-listp-of-atc-gen-appconds.appconds (b* (((mv ?appconds ?fn-appconds) (atc-gen-appconds targets wrld))) (evmac-appcond-listp appconds)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm symbol-symbol-alistp-of-atc-gen-appconds.fn-appconds (implies (symbol-listp targets) (b* (((mv ?appconds ?fn-appconds) (atc-gen-appconds targets wrld))) (symbol-symbol-alistp fn-appconds))) :rule-classes :rewrite)