A conservative transformation of an s-expression that pulls a particular variable out into a top-level if-then-else.
The shannon expansion of a term M by a Boolean variable V is
if V then M' else M'',
where M' is formed from M by substituting true for V and M'' is formed by subsituting false for V.
For 4-valued terms we need to make a slight adjustment, because in the case where V is X, this doesn't work. Instead, the term we get looks like:
(XOR (XOR V V) (ITE V M' M'')).
Here the term (XOR V V) detects the case where V is X or Z, and XORing that with the if-then-else term makes the whole result X in that case.
This is useful for certain cases where a term may have false dependencies. Consider
(ITE V (ITE (NOT V) A B) C).
Intuitively, we'd think that the A branch wouldn't have any relevance, since we can only get there by going through a V and a (NOT V) test, which are contradictory. But in fact there is a case where A affects the result: when B and C are the same Boolean value and V=X. Then, if A is the same Boolean value as B and C, then the result is that value, otherwise X. But we may be willing to give up this special case and allow the term to evaluate to X whenever V is X, in exchange for getting rid of the dependency on A. The Shannon expansion (if combined with rewriting) accomplishes this: the Shannon-rewritten version of the term above looks like:
(XOR (XOR V V) (ITE (T) (ITE (NOT (T)) A B) C) (ITE (F) (ITE (NOT (F)) A B) C))which rewrites to
(XOR (XOR V V) B C).
(defun 4v-shannon-expansion-true-al (var) (declare (xargs :guard t)) (hons-acons var *4vt-sexpr* nil))
(defun 4v-shannon-expansion-false-al (var) (declare (xargs :guard t)) (hons-acons var *4vf-sexpr* nil))
(defun 4v-shannon-expansion-few (var x) (declare (xargs :guard t)) (b* ((true-al (4v-shannon-expansion-true-al var)) (true-br (4v-sexpr-restrict x true-al)) ((when (hons-equal true-br x)) x) (false-al (4v-shannon-expansion-false-al var)) (false-br (4v-sexpr-restrict x false-al))) (cons 'xor (cons (cons 'xor (cons var (cons var 'nil))) (cons (cons 'ite (cons var (cons true-br (cons false-br 'nil)))) 'nil)))))
(defun 4v-shannon-expansion-many (var x) (declare (xargs :guard t)) (b* ((vars (4v-sexpr-vars x)) ((unless (gentle-member var vars)) x) (true-al (4v-shannon-expansion-true-al var)) (true-br (4v-sexpr-restrict x true-al)) (false-al (4v-shannon-expansion-false-al var)) (false-br (4v-sexpr-restrict x false-al))) (cons 'xor (cons (cons 'xor (cons var (cons var 'nil))) (cons (cons 'ite (cons var (cons true-br (cons false-br 'nil)))) 'nil)))))
(defthm 4v-sexpr-eval-with-redundant-cons (implies (equal (cdr (hons-assoc-equal v env)) val) (equal (4v-sexpr-eval x (cons (cons v val) env)) (4v-sexpr-eval x env))))
(defthm 4v-sexpr-eval-list-with-redundant-cons (implies (equal (cdr (hons-assoc-equal v env)) val) (equal (4v-sexpr-eval-list x (cons (cons v val) env)) (4v-sexpr-eval-list x env))))
(defthm 4v-sexpr-eval-with-non-variable-cons (implies (consp v) (equal (4v-sexpr-eval x (cons (cons v val) env)) (4v-sexpr-eval x env))))
(defthm 4v-sexpr-eval-list-with-non-variable-cons (implies (consp v) (equal (4v-sexpr-eval-list x (cons (cons v val) env)) (4v-sexpr-eval-list x env))))
(defthm rewrite-ite-by-var-ok-simpl (4v-<= (4v-xor (4v-xor (4v-sexpr-eval v env) (4v-sexpr-eval v env)) (4v-ite (4v-sexpr-eval v env) (4v-sexpr-eval a (cons (cons v t) env)) (4v-sexpr-eval b (cons (cons v 'f) env)))) (4v-ite (4v-sexpr-eval v env) (4v-sexpr-eval a env) (4v-sexpr-eval b env))))
(defthm rewrite-ite-by-var-ok (4v-<= (4v-sexpr-eval (cons 'xor (cons (cons 'xor (cons v (cons v 'nil))) (cons (cons 'ite (cons v (cons (4v-sexpr-restrict a (cons (cons v '(t)) 'nil)) (cons (4v-sexpr-restrict b (cons (cons v '(f)) 'nil)) 'nil)))) 'nil))) env) (4v-sexpr-eval (cons 'ite (cons v (cons a (cons b 'nil)))) env)))
(defthm 4v-sexpr-vars-4v-shannon-expansion-few (implies (and (not (member-equal k (4v-sexpr-vars x))) (atom var)) (not (member-equal k (4v-sexpr-vars (4v-shannon-expansion-few var x))))))
(defthm 4v-shannon-expansion-few-correct (4v-<= (4v-sexpr-eval (4v-shannon-expansion-few var x) env) (4v-sexpr-eval x env)))
(defthm 4v-shannon-expansion-many-correct (4v-<= (4v-sexpr-eval (4v-shannon-expansion-many var x) env) (4v-sexpr-eval x env)))
(defun 4v-shannon-expansion-mode-p (x) (declare (xargs :guard t)) (or (eq x :few-vars) (eq x :many-vars)))
(defun 4v-shannon-expansion-list (sigs x mode) (declare (xargs :guard (4v-shannon-expansion-mode-p mode))) (b* (((when (atom sigs)) x) (x (4v-shannon-expansion-list (cdr sigs) x mode))) (if (eq mode :few-vars) (4v-shannon-expansion-few (car sigs) x) (4v-shannon-expansion-many (car sigs) x))))
(defthm 4v-sexpr-vars-4v-shannon-expansion-list (implies (and (atom-listp sigs) (not (member-equal k (4v-sexpr-vars x)))) (not (member-equal k (4v-sexpr-vars (4v-shannon-expansion-list sigs x mode))))))
(defthm 4v-shannon-expansion-list-correct (4v-<= (4v-sexpr-eval (4v-shannon-expansion-list vars x mode) env) (4v-sexpr-eval x env)))
(defthm 4v-shannon-expansion-list-conservative (4v-sexpr-<= (4v-shannon-expansion-list vars x mode) x))
(defun rewrite-with-shannon-expansion (vars x mode) (declare (xargs :guard (4v-shannon-expansion-mode-p mode))) (b* ((x (4v-shannon-expansion-list vars x mode))) (sexpr-rewrite x *sexpr-rewrites*)))
(defthm rewrite-with-shannon-expansion-conservative (4v-sexpr-<= (rewrite-with-shannon-expansion vars x mode) x))
(defthm 4v-sexpr-vars-rewrite-with-shannon-expansion (implies (and (atom-listp vars) (not (member-equal k (4v-sexpr-vars x)))) (not (member-equal k (4v-sexpr-vars (rewrite-with-shannon-expansion vars x mode))))))
(defun rewrite-with-shannon-expansion-alist-main (vars x mode) (declare (xargs :guard (4v-shannon-expansion-mode-p mode))) (b* (((when (atom x)) nil) ((when (atom (car x))) (rewrite-with-shannon-expansion-alist-main vars (cdr x) mode))) (cons (cons (caar x) (rewrite-with-shannon-expansion vars (cdar x) mode)) (rewrite-with-shannon-expansion-alist-main vars (cdr x) mode))))
(defthm 4v-sexpr-vars-rewrite-with-shannon-expansion-alist-main (implies (and (atom-listp vars) (not (member-equal k (4v-sexpr-vars-list (alist-vals x))))) (not (member-equal k (4v-sexpr-vars-list (alist-vals (rewrite-with-shannon-expansion-alist-main vars x mode)))))))
(defthm rewrite-with-shannon-expansion-alist-main-conservative (4v-sexpr-alist-<= (rewrite-with-shannon-expansion-alist-main vars x mode) x))
(defthm alist-keys-rewrite-with-shannon-expansion-alist-main (equal (alist-keys (rewrite-with-shannon-expansion-alist-main vars x mode)) (alist-keys x)))
(defun rewrite-with-shannon-expansion-alist (vars x mode) (declare (xargs :guard (4v-shannon-expansion-mode-p mode))) (mbe :logic (rewrite-with-shannon-expansion-alist-main vars x mode) :exec (b* ((ans (rewrite-with-shannon-expansion-alist-main vars x mode))) (clear-memoize-table '4v-shannon-expansion-true-al) (clear-memoize-table '4v-shannon-expansion-false-al) (clear-memoize-table '4v-sexpr-restrict) (clear-memoize-table 'sexpr-rewrite) ans)))