Generate a C expression from an ACL2 term that must be an expression term.
(atc-gen-expr term gin state) → (mv erp expr type term* result new-compst limit events thm-name new-inscope new-context thm-index names-to-avoid)
At the same time, we check that the term is an expression term, as described in the user documentation.
It may seem surprising that this function is under atc-statement-generation instead of atc-expression-generation, but it needs to come after stmt-gin because it takes that as an input. Indeed, this ACL2 function is used for top-level or near-top-level expressions within statements, and so it is not unreasonable that this function is ``close'' to the statement generation functions. Note that functions to generate assignment expressions are also under atc-statement-generation, since they are top-level expressions (in C terminology, they are full expressions [C17:6.8/4]).
We also return the C type of the expression, the transformed term, the term for the C result of the expression, the term for the C computation state after the execution of the expression, a limit that suffices for exec-expr-call-or-pure to execute the expression completely, and then the usual outputs.
If the term is a call of a function that precedes
Otherwise, we attempt to translate the term as a pure expression term.
The type is the one returned by that translation.
As limit we return 1, which suffices for exec-expr-call-or-pure
to not stop right away due to the limit being 0.
In this case,
(defun atc-gen-expr (term gin state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (pseudo-termp term) (stmt-ginp gin)))) (let ((__function__ 'atc-gen-expr)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((reterr) (irr-expr) (irr-type) nil nil nil nil nil nil nil (irr-atc-context) 1 nil) ((stmt-gin gin) gin) (wrld (w state)) ((erp okp called-fn arg-terms in-types out-type affect extobjs limit called-fn-guard) (atc-check-cfun-call term gin.var-term-alist gin.prec-fns wrld)) ((when okp) (b* (((when (type-case out-type :void)) (reterr (msg "A call ~x0 of the function ~x1, which returns void, ~ is being used where ~ an expression term returning a a non-void C type ~ is expected." term called-fn))) ((unless (equal affect gin.affect)) (reterr (msg "The call ~x0 affects ~x1, ~ but it should affect ~x2 instead." term gin.affect affect))) ((erp (exprs-gout args)) (atc-gen-expr-pure-list arg-terms (make-exprs-gin :context gin.context :inscope gin.inscope :prec-tags gin.prec-tags :fn gin.fn :fn-guard gin.fn-guard :compst-var gin.compst-var :thm-index gin.thm-index :names-to-avoid gin.names-to-avoid :proofs gin.proofs) state)) ((unless (equal args.types in-types)) (reterr (msg "The function ~x0 with input types ~x1 ~ is applied to expression terms ~x2 returning ~x3. ~ This is indicative of provably dead code, ~ given that the code is guard-verified." called-fn in-types arg-terms args.types))) (call-args (atc-remove-extobj-args args.exprs (formals+ called-fn wrld) extobjs)) (expr (make-expr-call :fun (make-ident :name (symbol-name called-fn)) :args call-args)) ((when (eq called-fn 'quote)) (reterr (raise "Internal error: called function is QUOTE."))) (term (cons called-fn args.terms)) (uterm (untranslate$ term nil state)) (fninfo (cdr (assoc-eq called-fn gin.prec-fns))) ((unless fninfo) (reterr (raise "Internal error: function ~x0 has no info." called-fn))) (called-fn-thm (atc-fn-info->correct-mod-thm fninfo)) ((when (or (not gin.proofs) (not called-fn-thm))) (retok expr out-type term nil nil (cons 'binary-+ (cons ''2 (cons limit 'nil))) nil gin.inscope gin.context args.thm-index args.names-to-avoid)) (guard-lemma-name (pack gin.fn '-call- args.thm-index '-guard-lemma)) ((mv guard-lemma-name names-to-avoid) (fresh-logical-name-with-$s-suffix guard-lemma-name nil args.names-to-avoid wrld)) (thm-index (1+ args.thm-index)) (guard-lemma-formula (cons called-fn-guard args.terms)) (guard-lemma-formula (atc-contextualize guard-lemma-formula gin.context gin.fn gin.fn-guard nil nil nil nil wrld)) (guard-lemma-hints (cons (cons '"Goal" (cons ':in-theory (cons (cons 'quote (cons (cons gin.fn-guard (cons called-fn-guard '(if* test*))) 'nil)) (cons ':use (cons (cons ':guard-theorem (cons gin.fn 'nil)) 'nil))))) 'nil)) ((mv guard-lemma-event &) (evmac-generate-defthm guard-lemma-name :formula guard-lemma-formula :hints guard-lemma-hints :enable nil)) (call-thm-name (pack gin.fn '-correct- thm-index)) ((mv call-thm-name names-to-avoid) (fresh-logical-name-with-$s-suffix call-thm-name nil names-to-avoid wrld)) (thm-index (1+ thm-index)) (called-formals (formals+ called-fn wrld)) ((unless (equal (len called-formals) (len args.terms))) (reterr (raise "Internal error: ~x0 has formals ~x1 but actuals ~x2." called-fn called-formals args.terms))) (call-limit (cons 'binary-+ (cons ''2 (cons limit 'nil)))) ((mv result new-compst) (atc-gen-call-result-and-endstate out-type gin.affect gin.inscope gin.compst-var uterm)) (exec-formula (cons 'equal (cons (cons 'exec-expr-call-or-pure (cons (cons 'quote (cons expr 'nil)) (cons gin.compst-var (cons gin.fenv-var (cons gin.limit-var 'nil))))) (cons (cons 'mv (cons result (cons new-compst 'nil))) 'nil)))) (exec-formula (atc-contextualize exec-formula gin.context gin.fn gin.fn-guard gin.compst-var gin.limit-var call-limit t wrld)) ((mv type-formula &) (atc-gen-term-type-formula uterm out-type gin.affect gin.inscope gin.prec-tags)) (type-formula (atc-contextualize type-formula gin.context gin.fn gin.fn-guard nil nil nil nil wrld)) (call-formula (cons 'and (cons exec-formula (cons type-formula 'nil)))) (call-hints (cons (cons '"Goal" (cons ':in-theory (cons (cons 'quote (cons (cons 'exec-expr-call-or-pure-when-call (cons 'exec-expr-call-open (cons 'exec-expr-pure-list-of-nil (cons 'exec-expr-pure-list-when-consp (append args.thm-names (cons called-fn-thm (cons guard-lemma-name (append (atc-symbol-varinfo-alist-list-to-thms gin.inscope) (cons 'exec-fun-of-const-identifier (cons '(:e identp) (cons '(:e ident->name) (cons '(:e expr-kind) (cons '(:e expr-call->fun) (cons '(:e expr-call->args) (cons 'not-zp-of-limit-variable (cons 'not-zp-of-limit-minus-const (cons 'expr-valuep-of-expr-value (cons 'expr-value->value-of-expr-value (cons 'value-listp-of-cons (cons '(:e value-listp) (cons 'apconvert-expr-value-when-not-value-array (cons 'value-kind-when-ucharp (cons 'value-kind-when-scharp (cons 'value-kind-when-ushortp (cons 'value-kind-when-sshortp (cons 'value-kind-when-uintp (cons 'value-kind-when-sintp (cons 'value-kind-when-ulongp (cons 'value-kind-when-slongp (cons 'value-kind-when-ullongp (cons 'value-kind-when-sllongp (append (atc-string-taginfo-alist-to-value-kind-thms gin.prec-tags) (cons 'value-fix-when-valuep (cons 'valuep-when-ucharp (cons 'valuep-when-scharp (cons 'valuep-when-ushortp (cons 'valuep-when-sshortp (cons 'valuep-when-uintp (cons 'valuep-when-sintp (cons 'valuep-when-ulongp (cons 'valuep-when-slongp (cons 'valuep-when-ullongp (cons 'valuep-when-sllongp (append (atc-string-taginfo-alist-to-valuep-thms gin.prec-tags) (cons 'compustatep-of-add-var (cons 'compustatep-of-enter-scope (cons 'compustatep-of-add-frame (cons 'write-object-to-update-object (cons 'write-object-okp-when-valuep-of-read-object-no-syntaxp (cons 'write-object-okp-of-update-object-same (cons 'write-object-okp-of-update-object-disjoint (cons 'object-disjointp-commutative (cons 'type-of-value-when-ucharp (cons 'type-of-value-when-scharp (cons 'type-of-value-when-ushortp (cons 'type-of-value-when-sshortp (cons 'type-of-value-when-uintp (cons 'type-of-value-when-sintp (cons 'type-of-value-when-ulongp (cons 'type-of-value-when-slongp (cons 'type-of-value-when-ullongp (cons 'type-of-value-when-sllongp (cons 'type-of-value-when-uchar-arrayp (cons 'type-of-value-when-schar-arrayp (cons 'type-of-value-when-ushort-arrayp (cons 'type-of-value-when-sshort-arrayp (cons 'type-of-value-when-uint-arrayp (cons 'type-of-value-when-sint-arrayp (cons 'type-of-value-when-ulong-arrayp (cons 'type-of-value-when-slong-arrayp (cons 'type-of-value-when-ullong-arrayp (cons 'type-of-value-when-sllong-arrayp (atc-string-taginfo-alist-to-type-of-value-thms gin.prec-tags))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 'nil)) 'nil))) 'nil)) ((mv call-event &) (evmac-generate-defthm call-thm-name :formula call-formula :hints call-hints :enable nil))) (retok expr out-type term result new-compst (cons 'binary-+ (cons ''2 (cons limit 'nil))) (append (list guard-lemma-event call-event)) nil gin.inscope gin.context thm-index names-to-avoid))) ((erp (expr-gout pure)) (atc-gen-expr-pure term (make-expr-gin :context gin.context :inscope gin.inscope :prec-tags gin.prec-tags :fn gin.fn :fn-guard gin.fn-guard :compst-var gin.compst-var :thm-index gin.thm-index :names-to-avoid gin.names-to-avoid :proofs gin.proofs) state)) (bound ''1) ((when (not gin.proofs)) (retok pure.expr pure.type pure.term (untranslate$ pure.term nil state) gin.compst-var bound nil gin.inscope gin.context pure.thm-index pure.names-to-avoid)) (thm-name (pack gin.fn '-correct- pure.thm-index)) ((mv thm-name names-to-avoid) (fresh-logical-name-with-$s-suffix thm-name nil pure.names-to-avoid wrld)) (type-pred (atc-type-to-recognizer pure.type gin.prec-tags)) (valuep-when-type-pred (atc-type-to-valuep-thm pure.type gin.prec-tags)) (value-kind-when-type-pred (atc-type-to-value-kind-thm pure.type gin.prec-tags)) (uterm* (untranslate$ pure.term nil state)) (formula1 (cons 'equal (cons (cons 'exec-expr-call-or-pure (cons (cons 'quote (cons pure.expr 'nil)) (cons gin.compst-var (cons gin.fenv-var (cons gin.limit-var 'nil))))) (cons (cons 'mv (cons uterm* (cons gin.compst-var 'nil))) 'nil)))) (formula2 (cons type-pred (cons uterm* 'nil))) (formula1 (atc-contextualize formula1 gin.context gin.fn gin.fn-guard gin.compst-var gin.limit-var ''1 t wrld)) (formula2 (atc-contextualize formula2 gin.context gin.fn gin.fn-guard nil nil nil nil wrld)) (formula (cons 'and (cons formula1 (cons formula2 'nil)))) (hints (cons (cons '"Goal" (cons ':in-theory (cons (cons 'quote (cons (cons 'compustatep-of-add-frame (cons 'compustatep-of-add-var (cons 'compustatep-of-enter-scope (cons 'compustatep-of-update-var (cons 'compustatep-of-update-object (cons 'compustatep-of-exit-scope (cons 'compustatep-of-if*-when-both-compustatep (cons 'exec-expr-call-or-pure-when-pure (cons '(:e expr-kind) (cons 'not-zp-of-limit-variable (cons pure.thm-name (cons 'expr-valuep-of-expr-value (cons 'expr-value->value-of-expr-value (cons 'value-fix-when-valuep (cons valuep-when-type-pred (cons 'apconvert-expr-value-when-not-value-array (cons value-kind-when-type-pred 'nil))))))))))))))))) 'nil)) 'nil))) 'nil)) ((mv event &) (evmac-generate-defthm thm-name :formula formula :hints hints :enable nil))) (retok pure.expr pure.type pure.term (untranslate$ pure.term nil state) gin.compst-var bound (append (list event)) thm-name gin.inscope gin.context (1+ pure.thm-index) names-to-avoid))))
(defthm exprp-of-atc-gen-expr.expr (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?expr ?type ?term* ?result ?new-compst ?limit ?events ?thm-name ?new-inscope ?new-context ?thm-index ?names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-expr term gin state))) (exprp expr)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm typep-of-atc-gen-expr.type (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?expr ?type ?term* ?result ?new-compst ?limit ?events ?thm-name ?new-inscope ?new-context ?thm-index ?names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-expr term gin state))) (typep type)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm pseudo-termp-of-atc-gen-expr.term* (implies (pseudo-termp term) (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?expr ?type ?term* ?result ?new-compst ?limit ?events ?thm-name ?new-inscope ?new-context ?thm-index ?names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-expr term gin state))) (pseudo-termp term*))) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm pseudo-termp-of-atc-gen-expr.limit (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?expr ?type ?term* ?result ?new-compst ?limit ?events ?thm-name ?new-inscope ?new-context ?thm-index ?names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-expr term gin state))) (pseudo-termp limit)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?expr ?type ?term* ?result ?new-compst ?limit ?events ?thm-name ?new-inscope ?new-context ?thm-index ?names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-expr term gin state))) (pseudo-event-form-listp events)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm symbolp-of-atc-gen-expr.thm-name (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?expr ?type ?term* ?result ?new-compst ?limit ?events ?thm-name ?new-inscope ?new-context ?thm-index ?names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-expr term gin state))) (symbolp thm-name)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?expr ?type ?term* ?result ?new-compst ?limit ?events ?thm-name ?new-inscope ?new-context ?thm-index ?names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-expr term gin state))) (atc-symbol-varinfo-alist-listp new-inscope)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?expr ?type ?term* ?result ?new-compst ?limit ?events ?thm-name ?new-inscope ?new-context ?thm-index ?names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-expr term gin state))) (atc-contextp new-context)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm posp-of-atc-gen-expr.thm-index (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?expr ?type ?term* ?result ?new-compst ?limit ?events ?thm-name ?new-inscope ?new-context ?thm-index ?names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-expr term gin state))) (posp thm-index)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm symbol-listp-of-atc-gen-expr.names-to-avoid (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?expr ?type ?term* ?result ?new-compst ?limit ?events ?thm-name ?new-inscope ?new-context ?thm-index ?names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-expr term gin state))) (symbol-listp names-to-avoid)) :rule-classes :rewrite)