Remove from a list of argument terms the ones that are external objects.
(atc-remove-extobj-args args formals extobjs) → filtered-args
While ACL2 functions have explicit arguments for external objects, the corresponding C functions do not, because they access them directly. Thus, when generating code for C function calls, we must omit the ACL2 function arguments that are external objects. Those arguments are removed using this code.
(defun atc-remove-extobj-args (args formals extobjs) (declare (xargs :guard (and (expr-listp args) (symbol-listp formals) (symbol-listp extobjs)))) (let ((__function__ 'atc-remove-extobj-args)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((when (endp args)) (b* (((unless (endp formals)) (raise "Internal error: extra formals ~x0." formals))) nil)) ((unless (consp formals)) (raise "Internal error: extra arguments ~x0." args)) (arg (car args)) (formal (car formals))) (if (member-eq formal extobjs) (atc-remove-extobj-args (cdr args) (cdr formals) extobjs) (cons arg (atc-remove-extobj-args (cdr args) (cdr formals) extobjs))))))
(defthm expr-listp-of-atc-remove-extobj-args (implies (expr-listp args) (b* ((filtered-args (atc-remove-extobj-args args formals extobjs))) (expr-listp filtered-args))) :rule-classes :rewrite)