Process the
(defgrammar-process-name name ctx state) → (mv erp nothing state)
(defun defgrammar-process-name (name ctx state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (ctxp ctx))) (let ((__function__ 'defgrammar-process-name)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((unless (legal-constantp name)) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The first input must be a legal constant name, ~ but ~x0 is not a legal constant name." name)) ((er &) (ensure-symbol-is-fresh-event-name$ name (msg "The constant name ~x0 specified as first input" name) 'acl2::const nil t nil))) (value nil))))
(defthm defgrammar-process-name-symbol-when-not-error (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?nothing acl2::?state) (defgrammar-process-name name ctx state))) (implies (not erp) (common-lisp::symbolp name))))