Recognize untranslated lambda expressions that are valid for evaluation.
(check-user-lambda x wrld) → (mv lambd/message stobjs-out)
An untranslated lambda expression is
a lambda expression as entered by the user.
This function checks whether
If the check succeeds, the translated lambda expression is returned,
along with the stobjs-out list of the body of the lambda expression
(see check-user-term for an explanation
of the stobjs-out list of a term).
Otherwise, a possibly structured error message is returned
(printable with
The check-user-lambda function does not terminate if check-user-term does not terminate.
(defun check-user-lambda (x wrld) (declare (xargs :guard (plist-worldp wrld))) (let ((__function__ 'check-user-lambda)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((unless (true-listp x)) (mv (msg "~x0 is not a true list." x) nil)) ((unless (= (len x) 3)) (mv (msg "~x0 does not consist of exactly three elements." x) nil)) ((unless (eq (first x) 'lambda)) (mv (msg "~x0 does not start with LAMBDA." x) nil)) ((unless (arglistp (second x))) (mv (msg "~x0 does not have valid formal parameters." x) nil)) ((mv term/message stobjs-out) (check-user-term (third x) wrld)) ((when (msgp term/message)) (mv (msg "~x0 does not have a valid body. ~@1" x term/message) nil))) (mv (cons 'lambda (cons (second x) (cons term/message 'nil))) stobjs-out))))