Allow pattern-match to recognize a constructor.
(def-pattern-match-constructor cons consp (car cdr))
For a constructor
For example, say we define a function cons3 that combines three objects into a triple. We define a recognizer, cons3-p, for correctly-formed triples as created by cons3, as well as three accessors, cons3-first, cons3-second, cons3-third. Now we'd like to have a pattern match expression like this
(pattern-match x ((cons3 a b c) ... body ..) ... other clauses ...)
resolve to this:
(if (cons3-p x) (let ((a (cons3-first x)) (b (cons3-second x)) (c (cons3-third x))) ... body ...) ... other conditions ...)
Therefore the pattern match macro must know that the recognizer for a cons3 object is cons3-p, and that the destructors are cons3-first, etc - we don't want to have to write out those names anywhere in the untranslated body. Our solution is that when pattern-match sees a function symbol fun, it returns a call to a macro named fun-pattern-matcher. If this macro does not exist, pattern-match will fail. To easily define such macros, we provide def-pattern-match-constructor, which takes as arguments the constructor name, the recognizer name, and the ordered list of destructors. For example, to allow pattern-match to deal with cons3, we'd call
(def-pattern-match-constructor cons3 cons3-p (cons3-first cons3-second cons3-third))
Similarly for cons, the call would be
(def-pattern-match-constructor cons consp (car cdr))
but this is built into the pattern match book.
Pattern-matcher macros may be defined more flexibly without using