Shortcut to perform both a defwitness and definstantiate.
(defquantexpr subsetp-equal :predicate (subsetp-equal x y) :quantifier :forall :witnesses ((k (subsetp-equal-witness x y))) :expr (implies (member-equal k x) (member-equal k y)) :witness-hints ('(:in-theory '(subsetp-equal-witness-correct))) :instance-hints ('(:in-theory '(subsetp-member))))
This expands to a defwitness and a definstantiate form. The
names of the resulting rules are generated from the name (first argument) of
Witness-hints and instance-hints are the hints passed to the two forms.
Additional arguments:
The meaning of this form is as follows:
":predicate holds iff (:quantifier) (keys of :witnesses), :expr."
In our example above:
"(subsetp-equal x y) iff for all k, (implies (member-equal k x) (member-equal k y))."
An example of this with an existential quantifier:
(defquantexpr intersectp-equal :predicate (intersectp-equal x y) :quantifier :exists :witnesses ((k (intersectp-equal-witness x y))) :expr (and (member-equal k x) (member-equal k y)) :witness-hints ('(:in-theory '(intersectp-equal-witness-correct))) :instance-hints ('(:in-theory '(intersectp-equal-member))))
"(intersectp-equal x y) iff there exists k such that (and (member-equal k x) (member-equal k y))".
the values bound to each key in :witnesses should be witnesses for the existential quantifier in the direction of the bi-implication that involves (the forward direction for :exists and the backward for :forall):
"(let ((k (subsetp-equal-witness x y))) (implies (member-equal k x) (member-equal k y))) ==> (subsetp-equal x y)."
"(intersectp-equal x y) ==> (let ((k (intersectp-equal-witness x y))) (and (member-equal k x) (member-equal k y)))."