A computed-hint that automates basic applications of equal-by-nths.
This is a computed hint that looks for goals of the form
(implies (and hyp1 ... hypN) (equal lhs rhs))
If the goal has the right form, we functionally instantiate equal-by-nths with the
Typical usage would be something like:
(defthm foo ... :hints((equal-by-nths-hint)))
or perhaps:
(defthm foo ... :hints((and stable-under-simplificationp (equal-by-nths-hint))))
(defun equal-by-nths-hint-fn (clause) (b* ((lit (car (last clause))) ((unless (and (consp lit) (eq (car lit) 'equal))) nil) (hyps (dumb-negate-lit-lst (butlast clause 1))) ((list x y) (cdr lit))) (cons ':use (cons (cons (cons ':functional-instance (cons 'equal-by-nths (cons (cons 'equal-by-nths-lhs (cons (cons 'lambda (cons 'nil (cons x 'nil))) 'nil)) (cons (cons 'equal-by-nths-rhs (cons (cons 'lambda (cons 'nil (cons y 'nil))) 'nil)) (cons (cons 'equal-by-nths-hyp (cons (cons 'lambda (cons 'nil (cons (cons 'and hyps) 'nil))) 'nil)) 'nil))))) 'nil) 'nil))))