Probably faster alternative to lexorder.
(fast-lexorder x y) is logically the same as ACL2's built-in (lexorder x y), but is probably usually faster because:
This seems to give us a nice speedup:
(loop for elem in '( (1 . 2) ; 1.238 vs 0.835 ("foo" . "bar") ; 6.525 vs 4.833 (foo . bar) ; 8.044 vs 5.860 (foo . foo) ; 19.895 vs 0.983 ! (#\a . #\b) ; 2.548 vs 1.140 (("foo" . 1) . ("bar" . 1)) ; 9.661 vs 7.903 ((:foo "foo" . 1) . (:foo "bar" . 1))) ; 10.064 vs 8.456 do (let ((a (car elem)) (b (cdr elem))) (format t "---- ~a vs. ~a ------~%" a b) (time (loop for i fixnum from 1 to 100000000 do (lexorder a b))) (time (loop for i fixnum from 1 to 100000000 do (fast-lexorder a b)))))
(defun fast-lexorder (x y) (declare (xargs :guard t)) (cond ((atom x) (if (atom y) (cond ((integerp x) (cond ((integerp y) (<= x y)) ((real/rationalp y) (<= x y)) (t t))) ((symbolp x) (if (symbolp y) (or (eq x y) (not (symbol< y x))) (not (or (integerp y) (stringp y) (characterp y) (real/rationalp y) (complex/complex-rationalp y))))) ((stringp x) (cond ((stringp y) (and (string<= x y) t)) ((integerp y) nil) ((symbolp y) t) (t (not (or (characterp y) (real/rationalp y) (complex/complex-rationalp y)))))) ((characterp x) (cond ((characterp y) (<= (char-code x) (char-code y))) (t (not (or (integerp y) (real/rationalp y) (complex/complex-rationalp y)))))) ((real/rationalp x) (cond ((integerp y) (<= x y)) ((real/rationalp y) (<= x y)) (t t))) ((real/rationalp y) nil) ((complex/complex-rationalp x) (cond ((complex/complex-rationalp y) (or (< (realpart x) (realpart y)) (and (= (realpart x) (realpart y)) (<= (imagpart x) (imagpart y))))) (t t))) ((or (symbolp y) (stringp y) (characterp y) (complex/complex-rationalp y)) nil) (t (bad-atom<= x y))) t)) ((atom y) nil) ((equal (car x) (car y)) (fast-lexorder (cdr x) (cdr y))) (t (fast-lexorder (car x) (car y)))))
(defthm fast-lexorder-is-lexorder (equal (fast-lexorder x y) (lexorder x y)))