Build a translated call of mv-let.
(make-mv-let-call mv-var vars indices mv-term body-term) → term
In translated form,
((lambda (mv) ((lambda (var1 ... varn) body-term-trans) (mv-nth '0 mv) ... (mv-nth 'n-1 mv))) mv-term-trans)
This utility creates a translated term of the form above from its constituents.
For greater flexibility,
we allow the
Also for greater flexibilty,
we allow some mv-nth calls to be missing.
As explained in check-mv-let-call,
while translated terms obtained directly from mv-let calls
always have all the mv-nth calls,
a term subjected to some transformations may not.
To use this utility to reconstruct this kind of transformed term,
This utility is essentially the inverse of check-mv-let-call.
(defun make-mv-let-call-aux1 (index n mv-var) (declare (xargs :guard (and (natp index) (natp n) (symbolp mv-var)))) (let ((__function__ 'make-mv-let-call-aux1)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (if (or (not (mbt (natp index))) (not (mbt (natp n))) (>= index n)) nil (cons (cons 'mv-nth (cons (cons 'quote (cons index 'nil)) (cons mv-var 'nil))) (make-mv-let-call-aux1 (1+ index) n mv-var)))))
(defthm pseudo-term-listp-of-make-mv-let-call-aux1 (implies (symbolp mv-var) (b* ((terms (make-mv-let-call-aux1 index n mv-var))) (pseudo-term-listp terms))) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm len-of-make-mv-let-call-aux1 (b* ((?terms (make-mv-let-call-aux1 index n mv-var))) (implies (and (natp index) (natp n)) (equal (len terms) (nfix (- n index))))))
(defun make-mv-let-call-aux2 (indices mv-var) (declare (xargs :guard (and (nat-listp indices) (symbolp mv-var)))) (let ((__function__ 'make-mv-let-call-aux2)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (cond ((endp indices) nil) ((endp (cdr indices)) (list (cons 'mv-nth (cons (cons 'quote (cons (car indices) 'nil)) (cons mv-var 'nil))))) (t (if (< (car indices) (cadr indices)) (cons (cons 'mv-nth (cons (cons 'quote (cons (car indices) 'nil)) (cons mv-var 'nil))) (make-mv-let-call-aux2 (cdr indices) mv-var)) (prog2$ (raise "The list of indices ~x0 ~ is not strictly increasing." indices) (make-list (len indices) :initial-element nil)))))))
(defthm pseudo-term-listp-of-make-mv-let-call-aux2 (implies (symbolp mv-var) (b* ((terms (make-mv-let-call-aux2 indices mv-var))) (pseudo-term-listp terms))) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm len-of-mv-let-call-aux2 (b* ((?terms (make-mv-let-call-aux2 indices mv-var))) (equal (len terms) (len indices))))
(defun make-mv-let-call (mv-var vars indices mv-term body-term) (declare (xargs :guard (and (symbolp mv-var) (symbol-listp vars) (or (nat-listp indices) (eq indices :all)) (pseudo-termp mv-term) (pseudo-termp body-term)))) (declare (xargs :guard (or (equal indices :all) (equal (len indices) (len vars))))) (let ((__function__ 'make-mv-let-call)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (cons (cons 'lambda (cons (cons mv-var 'nil) (cons (cons (cons 'lambda (cons vars (cons body-term 'nil))) (if (eq indices :all) (make-mv-let-call-aux1 0 (len vars) mv-var) (make-mv-let-call-aux2 indices mv-var))) 'nil))) (cons mv-term 'nil))))
(defthm pseudo-termp-of-make-mv-let-call (implies (and (symbolp mv-var) (symbol-listp vars) (if (nat-listp indices) (nat-listp indices) (eq indices ':all)) (pseudo-termp mv-term) (pseudo-termp body-term) (if (equal indices ':all) (equal indices ':all) (equal (len indices) (len vars)))) (b* ((term (make-mv-let-call mv-var vars indices mv-term body-term))) (pseudo-termp term))) :rule-classes :rewrite)