Just pairlis$ onto an accumulator, but for safety cause an error if the lists to pair up aren't the same length.
(safe-pairlis-onto-acc x y acc) → *
(defun safe-pairlis-onto-acc (x y acc) (declare (xargs :guard t)) (let ((__function__ 'safe-pairlis-onto-acc)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (mbe :logic (revappend (pairlis$ x y) acc) :exec (b* (((when (and (atom x) (atom y))) acc) ((when (atom x)) (raise "Too many values!") acc) ((when (atom y)) (raise "Not enough values!") (safe-pairlis-onto-acc (cdr x) nil (cons (cons (car x) nil) acc)))) (safe-pairlis-onto-acc (cdr x) (cdr y) (cons (cons (car x) (car y)) acc))))))