Set the brr-evisc-tuple
General Form:
(set-brr-evisc-tuple ev state)
where ev is either the keyword :default or a legal evisc-tuple. This function sets the evisceration tuple used by brr-commands. The current value can be retrieved with brr-evisc-tuple. The initial value is :default which means the
:term evisceration tuple is used. To see how the brr-evisc-tuple
is used see brr-evisc-tuple.
Think of brr-evisc-tuple as a true global variable, not a locally
bound variable of break-rewrite. In particular, if you set the
brr-evisc-tuple inside a break-rewrite interactive break and eventually
exit that break — either to enter a deeper break or return to a
shallower break or to the ACL2 top-level — the brr-evisc-tuple will
retain its chronologically most recent setting.
The general command for setting any of the system evisc-tuples is set-evisc-tuple.