Find an appropriate free variable binding that is an aignet-extension of a bound variable.
An example rule using this utility:
(defthm lookup-id-in-extension-inverse (implies (and (aignet-extension-bind-inverse :orig orig :new new) (<= (nfix id) (fanin-count orig))) (equal (lookup-id id orig) (lookup-id id new))))
Suppose this rule matches on the term
(implies (<= (nfix id) (fanin-count (lookup-reg->nxst n aignet)))) (equal (lookup-id id (lookup-reg->nxst n aignet)) (lookup-id id aignet))) (implies (<= (nfix id) (fanin-count (lookup-stype n stype aignet)))) (equal (lookup-id id (lookup-stype n stype aignet)) (lookup-id id aignet)))
See also aignet-extension-binding for a similar macro that finds a binding for a suffix aignet from a term giving some extension.
(defun aignet-extension-bind-scan-lookups (term var table) (b* (((when (atom table)) nil) ((mv ok subst) (acl2::simple-one-way-unify (caar table) term nil)) ((unless ok) (aignet-extension-bind-scan-lookups term var (cdr table))) (new (acl2::substitute-into-term (cdar table) subst))) (cons (cons var new) 'nil)))
(defun aignet-extension-bind-inverse-fn (x var mfc state) (declare (xargs :stobjs state) (ignorable mfc)) (aignet-extension-bind-scan-lookups x var (table-alist 'aignet-lookup-fns (w state))))
(defthm fanin-count-when-aignet-extension-bind-inverse (implies (aignet-extension-bind-inverse :orig x :new y) (<= (fanin-count x) (fanin-count y))) :rule-classes ((:linear :trigger-terms ((fanin-count x)))))
(defthm stype-count-when-aignet-extension-bind-inverse (implies (aignet-extension-bind-inverse :orig x :new y) (<= (stype-count k x) (stype-count k y))) :rule-classes ((:linear :trigger-terms ((stype-count k x)))))
(defthm fanin-count-cdr-when-aignet-extension-inverse (implies (and (aignet-extension-bind-inverse :orig x :new y) (consp x) (fanin-node-p (car x))) (< (fanin-count (cdr x)) (fanin-count y))) :rule-classes ((:linear :trigger-terms ((fanin-count (cdr x))))))
(defthm stype-count-cdr-when-aignet-extension-inverse (implies (and (aignet-extension-bind-inverse :orig x :new y) (equal type (stype (car x))) (or (not (equal (stype-fix type) (const-stype))) (consp x))) (< (stype-count type (cdr x)) (stype-count type y))) :rule-classes ((:linear :trigger-terms ((stype-count type (cdr x))))))