Generate the
(solve-gen-old-if-new old-if-new old-if-new-enable old ?f x1...xn new f solution-theorem old-instance) → (mv local-event exported-event)
The proof follows the design notes,
but those use a second-order notation and explicit quantification,
so here we need to do things a little differently.
We enable the definition of
(defun solve-gen-old-if-new-thm-aux (vars index old-witness) (declare (xargs :guard (and (symbol-listp vars) (natp index) (symbolp old-witness)))) (let ((__function__ 'solve-gen-old-if-new-thm-aux)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (cond ((endp vars) nil) (t (cons (cons (car vars) (cons (cons 'mv-nth (cons index (cons (cons old-witness 'nil) 'nil))) 'nil)) (solve-gen-old-if-new-thm-aux (cdr vars) (1+ index) old-witness))))))
(defthm doublet-listp-of-solve-gen-old-if-new-thm-aux (b* ((instantiation (solve-gen-old-if-new-thm-aux vars index old-witness))) (doublet-listp instantiation)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defun solve-gen-old-if-new (old-if-new old-if-new-enable old ?f x1...xn new f solution-theorem old-instance) (declare (xargs :guard (and (symbolp old-if-new) (booleanp old-if-new-enable) (symbolp old) (symbolp ?f) (symbol-listp x1...xn) (symbolp new) (symbolp f) (symbolp solution-theorem) (symbolp old-instance)))) (let ((__function__ 'solve-gen-old-if-new)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((formula (cons 'implies (cons (cons new 'nil) (cons (cons old 'nil) 'nil)))) (new-rwrule (packn-pos (list ?f '-to- f) new)) (old-instance-rwrule (add-suffix-to-fn old-instance "-NECC")) (old-witness (add-suffix-to-fn old "-WITNESS")) (instantiation (if (>= (len x1...xn) 2) (solve-gen-old-if-new-thm-aux x1...xn 0 old-witness) (cons (cons (car x1...xn) (cons (cons old-witness 'nil) 'nil)) 'nil))) (hints (cons (cons '"Goal" (cons ':in-theory (cons (cons 'quote (cons (cons old (cons new-rwrule 'nil)) 'nil)) (cons ':use (cons (cons solution-theorem (cons (cons ':instance (cons old-instance-rwrule instantiation)) 'nil)) 'nil))))) 'nil))) (evmac-generate-defthm old-if-new :enable old-if-new-enable :formula formula :hints hints))))
(defthm pseudo-event-formp-of-solve-gen-old-if-new.local-event (b* (((mv ?local-event ?exported-event) (solve-gen-old-if-new old-if-new old-if-new-enable old ?f x1...xn new f solution-theorem old-instance))) (pseudo-event-formp local-event)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm pseudo-event-formp-of-solve-gen-old-if-new.exported-event (b* (((mv ?local-event ?exported-event) (solve-gen-old-if-new old-if-new old-if-new-enable old ?f x1...xn new f solution-theorem old-instance))) (pseudo-event-formp exported-event)) :rule-classes :rewrite)