Event expansion of the transformation.
(simpadd0-fn const-old const-new proofs wrld) → event
(defun simpadd0-fn (const-old const-new proofs wrld) (declare (xargs :guard (plist-worldp wrld))) (let ((__function__ 'simpadd0-fn)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((unless (symbolp const-old)) (raise "~x0 must be a symbol." const-old) '(_)) ((unless (symbolp const-new)) (raise "~x0 must be a symbol." const-new) '(_)) ((unless (symbolp proofs)) (raise "~x0 must be a boolean." proofs) '(_)) (tunits-old (acl2::constant-value const-old wrld)) ((unless (transunit-ensemblep tunits-old)) (raise "~x0 must be a translation unit ensemble.") '(_)) ((unless (transunit-ensemble-unambp tunits-old)) (raise "~x0 must be an unambiguous translation unit ensemble.") '(_)) (tunits-new (simpadd0-transunit-ensemble tunits-old)) ((unless (or (not proofs) (b* (((mv erp &) (c$::ldm-transunit-ensemble tunits-old))) (not erp)))) (raise "The old translation unit ~x0 is not within ~ the subset of C covered by our formal semantics." tunits-old) '(_)) ((unless (or (not proofs) (b* (((mv erp &) (c$::ldm-transunit-ensemble tunits-new))) (not erp)))) (raise "The new translation unit ~x0 is not within ~ the subset of C covered by our formal semantics." tunits-new) '(_)) (thm-events (and proofs (simpadd0-gen-proofs-for-transunit-ensemble const-old const-new tunits-old tunits-new))) (const-event (cons 'defconst (cons const-new (cons (cons 'quote (cons tunits-new 'nil)) 'nil))))) (cons 'progn (cons const-event thm-events)))))
(defthm pseudo-event-formp-of-simpadd0-fn (b* ((event (simpadd0-fn const-old const-new proofs wrld))) (pseudo-event-formp event)) :rule-classes :rewrite)