Check if an expression has formal dynamic semantics, as a pure expression.
Our formal semantics of C characterizes certain expressions as pure, and restricts certain expressions in the syntax to be pure. Thus, here we define a predicate that says whether an expression has formal semantics as a pure expression. Later we define other predicates for other kinds of expressions.
The expressions not supported by ldm-expr are not supported here either. The remaining expressions are supported or not according to c::exec-expr-pure and the specialized functions it calls (e.g. c::exec-arrsub). In order for an expression to be supported, it is necessary that its sub-expressions are supported.
The tests for identifiers and constants reduce to the ones defined in predicates defined earlier.
Parenthesized expressions lose the parentheses through ldm-expr, so they are supported if and only if the unparenthesized versions are.
The check we perform here on cast expressions is an over-approximation of what we should check. It is not enough for the destination type to be integer; we should also check that the source value is an integer. But this cannot be done purely syntactically: we need type information, about the type of the argument expression. After we have a validator, if the validator annotates the abstract syntax with type information, then we could make this check more precise.
(defun expr-pure-formalp (expr) (declare (xargs :guard (exprp expr))) (declare (xargs :guard (expr-unambp expr))) (let ((__function__ 'expr-pure-formalp)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (expr-case expr :ident (ident-formalp expr.ident) :const (const-formalp expr.const) :string nil :paren (expr-pure-formalp expr.inner) :gensel nil :arrsub (and (expr-pure-formalp expr.arg1) (expr-pure-formalp expr.arg2)) :funcall nil :member (expr-pure-formalp expr.arg) :memberp (expr-pure-formalp expr.arg) :complit nil :unary (unop-case expr.op :address (expr-pure-formalp expr.arg) :indir (expr-pure-formalp expr.arg) :plus (expr-pure-formalp expr.arg) :minus (expr-pure-formalp expr.arg) :bitnot (expr-pure-formalp expr.arg) :lognot (expr-pure-formalp expr.arg) :preinc nil :predec nil :postinc nil :postdec nil :sizeof nil) :sizeof nil :sizeof-ambig (impossible) :alignof nil :cast (and (tyname-formalp expr.type) (expr-pure-formalp expr.arg)) :binary (and (member-eq (binop-kind expr.op) '(:mul :div :rem :add :sub :shl :shr :lt :gt :le :ge :eq :ne :bitand :bitxor :bitior :logand :logor)) (expr-pure-formalp expr.arg1) (expr-pure-formalp expr.arg2)) :cond (and (expr-pure-formalp expr.test) (expr-option-case expr.then :some (expr-pure-formalp expr.then.val) :none t) (expr-pure-formalp expr.else)) :comma nil :cast/call-ambig (impossible) :cast/mul-ambig (impossible) :cast/add-ambig (impossible) :cast/sub-ambig (impossible) :cast/and-ambig (impossible) :stmt nil :tycompat nil :offsetof nil :va-arg nil :extension nil)))
(defthm booleanp-of-expr-pure-formalp (b* ((yes/no (expr-pure-formalp expr))) (booleanp yes/no)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm expr-pure-formalp-of-expr-fix-expr (equal (expr-pure-formalp (expr-fix expr)) (expr-pure-formalp expr)))
(defthm expr-pure-formalp-expr-equiv-congruence-on-expr (implies (expr-equiv expr expr-equiv) (equal (expr-pure-formalp expr) (expr-pure-formalp expr-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)