Generate a C
(atc-gen-if/ifelse-stmt test-term then-term else-term test-expr then-items else-items test-type then-type else-type then-limit else-limit test-thm then-thm else-thm then-context-start else-context-start then-context-end else-context-end then-inscope else-inscope test-events then-events else-events gin state) → (mv erp gout)
We generate an
We generate a theorem for each branch:
each theorem is about the compound statement
that consists of the block items of the branch.
Recall that atc-gen-stmt recursively generates
theorems for those lists of block items;
these are put into compound statements
that become the actual branches of the conditional,
so we need to lift the theorems to those compound statements.
We generate the theorem for the `else' compound statement
regardless of whether it is empty or not, for uniformity.
The limit for each compound statement is
1 plus the one for the block item list,
because we need 1 to go from exec-stmt
to the
We generate a theorem for the conditional statement,
based on the theorems for the test and branches.
We turn the ACL2 if into if*,
to prevent unwanted case splits in larger terms that may contain this term
(as we generate C code from those larger terms).
We use proof builder commands to split on this if*.
The limit for the conditional statement is
one more than the sum of the ones for the branches;
we could take one plus the maximum,
but the sum avoids case splits.
We include the compound recognizer
We lift the theorem for the conditional statement to a block item and to a singleton list of block items.
The generation of modular proofs in this code currently assumes that
the if returns a single value,
which is either the returned C value (if the C type is not
(defun atc-gen-if/ifelse-stmt (test-term then-term else-term test-expr then-items else-items test-type then-type else-type then-limit else-limit test-thm then-thm else-thm then-context-start else-context-start then-context-end else-context-end then-inscope else-inscope test-events then-events else-events gin state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (pseudo-termp test-term) (pseudo-termp then-term) (pseudo-termp else-term) (exprp test-expr) (block-item-listp then-items) (block-item-listp else-items) (typep test-type) (typep then-type) (typep else-type) (pseudo-termp then-limit) (pseudo-termp else-limit) (symbolp test-thm) (symbolp then-thm) (symbolp else-thm) (atc-contextp then-context-start) (atc-contextp else-context-start) (atc-contextp then-context-end) (atc-contextp else-context-end) (atc-symbol-varinfo-alist-listp then-inscope) (atc-symbol-varinfo-alist-listp else-inscope) (pseudo-event-form-listp test-events) (pseudo-event-form-listp then-events) (pseudo-event-form-listp else-events) (stmt-ginp gin)))) (let ((__function__ 'atc-gen-if/ifelse-stmt)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((reterr) (irr-stmt-gout)) ((stmt-gin gin) gin) (wrld (w state)) ((unless (equal then-type else-type)) (reterr (msg "When generating C code for the function ~x0, ~ two branches ~x1 and ~x2 of a conditional term ~ have different types ~x3 and ~x4; ~ use conversion operations, if needed, ~ to make the branches of the same type." gin.fn then-term else-term then-type else-type))) (type then-type) (voidp (type-case type :void)) (then-stmt (make-stmt-compound :items then-items)) (else-stmt (make-stmt-compound :items else-items)) (stmt (if (consp else-items) (make-stmt-ifelse :test test-expr :then then-stmt :else else-stmt) (make-stmt-if :test test-expr :then then-stmt))) (term (cons 'if* (cons test-term (cons then-term (cons else-term 'nil))))) ((when (not gin.proofs)) (retok (make-stmt-gout :items (list (block-item-stmt stmt)) :type type :term term :context gin.context :inscope gin.inscope :limit (pseudo-term-fncall 'binary-+ (list (pseudo-term-quote 5) (pseudo-term-fncall 'binary-+ (list then-limit else-limit)))) :events (append test-events then-events else-events) :thm-name nil :thm-index gin.thm-index :names-to-avoid gin.names-to-avoid))) (thm-index gin.thm-index) (names-to-avoid gin.names-to-avoid) (then-stmt-thm (pack gin.fn '-correct- thm-index)) (thm-index (1+ thm-index)) ((mv then-stmt-thm names-to-avoid) (fresh-logical-name-with-$s-suffix then-stmt-thm nil names-to-avoid wrld)) (else-stmt-thm (pack gin.fn '-correct- thm-index)) (thm-index (1+ thm-index)) ((mv else-stmt-thm names-to-avoid) (fresh-logical-name-with-$s-suffix else-stmt-thm nil names-to-avoid wrld)) (valuep-when-type-pred (and (not voidp) (atc-type-to-valuep-thm type gin.prec-tags))) (then-stmt-limit (cons 'binary-+ (cons ''1 (cons then-limit 'nil)))) (else-stmt-limit (cons 'binary-+ (cons ''1 (cons else-limit 'nil)))) (then-uterm (untranslate$ then-term nil state)) (else-uterm (untranslate$ else-term nil state)) ((mv then-result then-stmt-type-formula &) (atc-gen-uterm-result-and-type-formula then-uterm type gin.affect gin.inscope gin.prec-tags)) ((mv else-result else-stmt-type-formula &) (atc-gen-uterm-result-and-type-formula else-uterm type gin.affect gin.inscope gin.prec-tags)) (then-context-end (atc-context-extend then-context-end (list (make-atc-premise-compustate :var gin.compst-var :term (cons 'exit-scope (cons gin.compst-var 'nil)))))) (else-context-end (atc-context-extend else-context-end (list (make-atc-premise-compustate :var gin.compst-var :term (cons 'exit-scope (cons gin.compst-var 'nil)))))) (then-new-compst (atc-contextualize-compustate gin.compst-var then-context-start then-context-end)) (else-new-compst (atc-contextualize-compustate gin.compst-var else-context-start else-context-end)) (then-stmt-exec-formula (cons 'equal (cons (cons 'exec-stmt (cons (cons 'quote (cons then-stmt 'nil)) (cons gin.compst-var (cons gin.fenv-var (cons gin.limit-var 'nil))))) (cons (cons 'mv (cons then-result (cons then-new-compst 'nil))) 'nil)))) (then-stmt-exec-formula (atc-contextualize then-stmt-exec-formula then-context-start gin.fn gin.fn-guard gin.compst-var gin.limit-var then-stmt-limit t wrld)) (else-stmt-exec-formula (cons 'equal (cons (cons 'exec-stmt (cons (cons 'quote (cons else-stmt 'nil)) (cons gin.compst-var (cons gin.fenv-var (cons gin.limit-var 'nil))))) (cons (cons 'mv (cons else-result (cons else-new-compst 'nil))) 'nil)))) (else-stmt-exec-formula (atc-contextualize else-stmt-exec-formula else-context-start gin.fn gin.fn-guard gin.compst-var gin.limit-var else-stmt-limit t wrld)) (then-stmt-type-formula (atc-contextualize then-stmt-type-formula then-context-start gin.fn gin.fn-guard nil nil nil nil wrld)) (else-stmt-type-formula (atc-contextualize else-stmt-type-formula else-context-start gin.fn gin.fn-guard nil nil nil nil wrld)) (then-stmt-formula (cons 'and (cons then-stmt-exec-formula (cons then-stmt-type-formula 'nil)))) (else-stmt-formula (cons 'and (cons else-stmt-exec-formula (cons else-stmt-type-formula 'nil)))) (then-stmt-hints (cons (cons '"Goal" (cons ':in-theory (cons (cons 'quote (cons (cons 'exec-stmt-when-compound (cons '(:e stmt-kind) (cons 'not-zp-of-limit-variable (cons '(:e stmt-compound->items) (cons then-thm (cons 'mv-nth-of-cons (cons '(:e zp) (cons '(:e value-optionp) (cons 'value-optionp-when-valuep (append (and (not voidp) (list valuep-when-type-pred)) '(exit-scope-of-enter-scope exit-scope-of-add-var compustate-frames-number-of-add-frame-not-zero compustate-frames-number-of-enter-scope-not-zero compustate-frames-number-of-add-var-not-zero compustatep-of-add-frame compustatep-of-add-var compustatep-of-enter-scope uchar-array-length-of-uchar-array-write schar-array-length-of-schar-array-write ushort-array-length-of-ushort-array-write sshort-array-length-of-sshort-array-write uint-array-length-of-uint-array-write sint-array-length-of-sint-array-write ulong-array-length-of-ulong-array-write slong-array-length-of-slong-array-write ullong-array-length-of-ullong-array-write sllong-array-length-of-sllong-array-write))))))))))) 'nil)) 'nil))) 'nil)) (else-stmt-hints (cons (cons '"Goal" (cons ':in-theory (cons (cons 'quote (cons (cons 'exec-stmt-when-compound (cons '(:e stmt-kind) (cons 'not-zp-of-limit-variable (cons '(:e stmt-compound->items) (cons else-thm (cons 'mv-nth-of-cons (cons '(:e zp) (cons '(:e value-optionp) (cons 'value-optionp-when-valuep (append (and (not voidp) (list valuep-when-type-pred)) '(exit-scope-of-enter-scope exit-scope-of-add-var compustate-frames-number-of-add-frame-not-zero compustate-frames-number-of-enter-scope-not-zero compustate-frames-number-of-add-var-not-zero compustatep-of-add-frame compustatep-of-add-var compustatep-of-enter-scope uchar-array-length-of-uchar-array-write schar-array-length-of-schar-array-write ushort-array-length-of-ushort-array-write sshort-array-length-of-sshort-array-write uint-array-length-of-uint-array-write sint-array-length-of-sint-array-write ulong-array-length-of-ulong-array-write slong-array-length-of-slong-array-write ullong-array-length-of-ullong-array-write sllong-array-length-of-sllong-array-write))))))))))) 'nil)) 'nil))) 'nil)) ((mv then-stmt-event &) (evmac-generate-defthm then-stmt-thm :formula then-stmt-formula :hints then-stmt-hints :enable nil)) ((mv else-stmt-event &) (evmac-generate-defthm else-stmt-thm :formula else-stmt-formula :hints else-stmt-hints :enable nil)) (if-stmt-thm (pack gin.fn '-correct- thm-index)) (thm-index (1+ thm-index)) ((mv if-stmt-thm names-to-avoid) (fresh-logical-name-with-$s-suffix if-stmt-thm nil names-to-avoid wrld)) (if-stmt-limit (cons 'binary-+ (cons ''1 (cons (cons 'binary-+ (cons then-stmt-limit (cons else-stmt-limit 'nil))) 'nil)))) (uterm (untranslate$ term nil state)) ((mv if-result if-stmt-type-formula if-stmt-type-thms) (atc-gen-uterm-result-and-type-formula uterm type gin.affect gin.inscope gin.prec-tags)) (test-uterm (untranslate$ test-term nil state)) (new-compst (cons 'if* (cons test-uterm (cons then-new-compst (cons else-new-compst 'nil))))) (if-stmt-exec-formula (cons 'equal (cons (cons 'exec-stmt (cons (cons 'quote (cons stmt 'nil)) (cons gin.compst-var (cons gin.fenv-var (cons gin.limit-var 'nil))))) (cons (cons 'mv (cons if-result (cons new-compst 'nil))) 'nil)))) (if-stmt-exec-formula (atc-contextualize if-stmt-exec-formula gin.context gin.fn gin.fn-guard gin.compst-var gin.limit-var if-stmt-limit t wrld)) (if-stmt-type-formula (atc-contextualize if-stmt-type-formula gin.context gin.fn gin.fn-guard nil nil nil nil wrld)) (if-stmt-formula (cons 'and (cons if-stmt-exec-formula (cons if-stmt-type-formula 'nil)))) (test-type-pred (atc-type-to-recognizer test-type gin.prec-tags)) (valuep-when-test-type-pred (pack 'valuep-when- test-type-pred)) (value-kind-when-test-type-pred (pack 'value-kind-when- test-type-pred)) (if-stmt-hints (if (consp else-items) (cons (cons '"Goal" (cons ':in-theory (cons (cons 'quote (cons (cons 'exec-stmt-when-ifelse-and-true (cons 'exec-stmt-when-ifelse-and-false (cons '(:e stmt-kind) (cons 'not-zp-of-limit-variable (cons '(:e stmt-ifelse->test) (cons test-thm (append (and (not voidp) (list valuep-when-type-pred)) (cons '(:e stmt-ifelse->then) (cons then-stmt-thm (cons '(:e stmt-ifelse->else) (cons else-stmt-thm (cons valuep-when-test-type-pred (cons 'booleanp-compound-recognizer (cons 'expr-valuep-of-expr-value (cons 'expr-value->value-of-expr-value (cons 'value-fix-when-valuep (cons valuep-when-test-type-pred (cons 'apconvert-expr-value-when-not-value-array (cons value-kind-when-test-type-pred '(uchar-array-length-of-uchar-array-write schar-array-length-of-schar-array-write ushort-array-length-of-ushort-array-write sshort-array-length-of-sshort-array-write uint-array-length-of-uint-array-write sint-array-length-of-sint-array-write ulong-array-length-of-ulong-array-write slong-array-length-of-slong-array-write ullong-array-length-of-ullong-array-write sllong-array-length-of-sllong-array-write mv-nth-of-cons (:e zp))))))))))))))))))))) 'nil)) 'nil))) 'nil) (cons (cons '"Goal" (cons ':in-theory (cons (cons 'quote (cons (cons 'exec-stmt-when-if-and-true (cons 'exec-stmt-when-if-and-false (cons '(:e stmt-kind) (cons 'not-zp-of-limit-variable (cons '(:e stmt-if->test) (cons test-thm (append (and (not voidp) (list valuep-when-type-pred)) (cons '(:e stmt-if->then) (cons then-stmt-thm (cons valuep-when-test-type-pred (cons 'booleanp-compound-recognizer (cons 'expr-valuep-of-expr-value (cons 'expr-value->value-of-expr-value (cons 'value-fix-when-valuep (cons valuep-when-test-type-pred (cons 'apconvert-expr-value-when-not-value-array (cons value-kind-when-test-type-pred (cons 'compustatep-of-add-var (cons 'compustate-frames-number-of-add-var-not-zero (cons 'exit-scope-of-enter-scope (append if-stmt-type-thms '(uchar-array-length-of-uchar-array-write schar-array-length-of-schar-array-write ushort-array-length-of-ushort-array-write sshort-array-length-of-sshort-array-write uint-array-length-of-uint-array-write sint-array-length-of-sint-array-write ulong-array-length-of-ulong-array-write slong-array-length-of-slong-array-write ullong-array-length-of-ullong-array-write sllong-array-length-of-sllong-array-write mv-nth-of-cons (:e zp))))))))))))))))))))))) 'nil)) 'nil))) 'nil))) (if-stmt-instructions (cons (cons 'casesplit (cons (atc-contextualize test-term gin.context nil nil nil nil nil nil wrld) 'nil)) (cons (cons 'claim (cons (atc-contextualize (cons 'test* (cons test-term 'nil)) gin.context nil nil nil nil nil nil wrld) '(:hints (("Goal" :in-theory '(test*)))))) (cons '(drop 1) (cons (cons 'claim (cons (atc-contextualize (cons 'equal (cons (cons 'if* (cons test-term (cons then-term (cons else-term 'nil)))) (cons then-term 'nil))) gin.context nil nil nil nil nil nil wrld) '(:hints (("Goal" :in-theory '(acl2::if*-when-true test*)))))) (cons (cons 'claim (cons (atc-contextualize (cons 'equal (cons new-compst (cons then-new-compst 'nil))) gin.context nil nil gin.compst-var nil nil nil wrld) '(:hints (("Goal" :in-theory '(acl2::if*-when-true test*)))))) (cons (cons 'prove (cons ':hints (cons if-stmt-hints 'nil))) (cons (cons 'claim (cons (atc-contextualize (cons 'test* (cons (cons 'not (cons test-term 'nil)) 'nil)) gin.context nil nil nil nil nil nil wrld) '(:hints (("Goal" :in-theory '(test*)))))) (cons '(drop 1) (cons (cons 'claim (cons (atc-contextualize (cons 'equal (cons (cons 'if* (cons test-term (cons then-term (cons else-term 'nil)))) (cons else-term 'nil))) gin.context nil nil nil nil nil nil wrld) '(:hints (("Goal" :in-theory '(acl2::if*-when-false test*)))))) (cons (cons 'claim (cons (atc-contextualize (cons 'equal (cons new-compst (cons else-new-compst 'nil))) gin.context nil nil gin.compst-var nil nil nil wrld) '(:hints (("Goal" :in-theory '(acl2::if*-when-false test*)))))) (cons (cons 'prove (cons ':hints (cons if-stmt-hints 'nil))) 'nil)))))))))))) ((mv if-stmt-event &) (evmac-generate-defthm if-stmt-thm :formula if-stmt-formula :instructions if-stmt-instructions :enable nil)) ((mv item item-limit item-events item-thm-name thm-index names-to-avoid) (atc-gen-block-item-stmt stmt if-stmt-limit (append test-events then-events else-events (list then-stmt-event else-stmt-event if-stmt-event)) if-stmt-thm (untranslate$ term nil state) type if-result new-compst (change-stmt-gin gin :thm-index thm-index :names-to-avoid names-to-avoid :proofs (and if-stmt-thm t)) state)) (new-context (atc-context-extend gin.context (list (make-atc-premise-compustate :var gin.compst-var :term new-compst)))) (new-context (if (consp gin.affect) (if (consp (cdr gin.affect)) (atc-context-extend new-context (list (make-atc-premise-cvalues :vars gin.affect :term uterm))) (atc-context-extend new-context (list (make-atc-premise-cvalue :var (car gin.affect) :term uterm)))) new-context)) ((mv new-inscope new-inscope-events thm-index names-to-avoid) (if voidp (atc-gen-if/ifelse-inscope gin.fn gin.fn-guard gin.inscope then-inscope else-inscope gin.context new-context (untranslate$ test-term nil state) (untranslate$ then-term nil state) (untranslate$ else-term nil state) gin.compst-var new-compst then-new-compst else-new-compst gin.prec-tags thm-index names-to-avoid wrld) (mv nil nil thm-index names-to-avoid)))) (retok (atc-gen-block-item-list-one term type item item-limit (append item-events new-inscope-events) item-thm-name if-result new-compst new-context (and voidp new-inscope) (change-stmt-gin gin :thm-index thm-index :names-to-avoid names-to-avoid :proofs (and item-thm-name t)) state)))))
(defthm stmt-goutp-of-atc-gen-if/ifelse-stmt.gout (b* (((mv acl2::?erp ?gout) (atc-gen-if/ifelse-stmt test-term then-term else-term test-expr then-items else-items test-type then-type else-type then-limit else-limit test-thm then-thm else-thm then-context-start else-context-start then-context-end else-context-end then-inscope else-inscope test-events then-events else-events gin state))) (stmt-goutp gout)) :rule-classes :rewrite)