Address key generation in the wallet.
(next-key stat) → (mv error? index address stat)
This models the command used to generate the next address key in the wallet.
We attempt to derive the address key whose index is the state component that counts the number of (attempted) address key derivations so far.
This may fail in two rare cases.
One is the case in which key derivation fails,
as discussed in [BIP32].
The other is the case in which
the index of the next address key is
Besides the updated state, we also return the address index of the key just derived, as well as the account address derived from the key.
The guard proofs of this operation need some of the constraints formalized in stat-wfp.
This operation preserves the constraints formalized by stat-wfp.
(defun next-key (stat) (declare (xargs :guard (statp stat))) (declare (xargs :guard (stat-wfp stat))) (b* ((next-index (stat->addresses stat)) ((when (= next-index (expt 2 31))) (mv (command-error-address-key-index-limit) next-index (repeat 20 0) (stat-fix stat))) (key-tree (stat->keys stat)) ((mv error? new-key-tree) (bip32-extend-tree key-tree *key-path-prefix* next-index)) ((when error?) (mv (command-error-address-key-derivation-fail next-index) next-index (repeat 20 0) (change-stat stat :addresses (1+ next-index)))) (address (private-key-to-address (bip32-get-priv-key-at-path new-key-tree (rcons next-index *key-path-prefix*))))) (mv nil next-index address (change-stat stat :keys new-key-tree :addresses (1+ next-index)))))
(defthm maybe-command-error-p-of-next-key.error? (b* (((mv ?error? ?index ?address ?stat) (next-key stat))) (maybe-command-error-p error?)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm natp-of-next-key.index (b* (((mv ?error? ?index ?address ?stat) (next-key stat))) (natp index)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm byte-list20p-of-next-key.address (b* (((mv ?error? ?index ?address ?stat) (next-key stat))) (byte-list20p address)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm statp-of-next-key.stat (b* (((mv ?error? ?index ?address ?stat) (next-key stat))) (statp stat)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm stat-wfp-of-next-key (implies (and (statp stat) (stat-wfp stat)) (stat-wfp (mv-nth 3 (next-key stat)))))