Check if a Java block is a
This checks if a block has one of the two forms described here. If it does, we return its components, i.e.
the test expression, the return expression,
and the block that will become the body of the new loop
(i.e. the `then' or `else' branch that is not a
If the first result of this function is
(defun atj-check-liftable-loop-test (block) (declare (xargs :guard (jblockp block))) (let ((__function__ 'atj-check-liftable-loop-test)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((fun (fail)) (mv nil (jexpr-name "") (jexpr-name "") nil)) ((unless (= (len block) 1)) (fail)) (statem (car block)) ((unless (jstatem-case statem :while)) (fail)) (while-test (jstatem-while->test statem)) (while-body (jstatem-while->body statem)) ((unless (equal while-test (jexpr-literal-true))) (fail)) ((unless (= (len while-body) 1)) (fail)) (statem (car while-body)) ((unless (jstatem-case statem :ifelse)) (fail)) (test (jstatem-ifelse->test statem)) (then (jstatem-ifelse->then statem)) (else (jstatem-ifelse->else statem)) ((mv then-return-p return) (atj-check-single-return-with-expr then)) ((when then-return-p) (mv t (negate-boolean-jexpr test) return else)) ((mv else-return-p return) (atj-check-single-return-with-expr else)) ((when else-return-p) (mv t test return then))) (fail))))
(defthm booleanp-of-atj-check-liftable-loop-test.yes/no (b* (((mv ?yes/no ?test common-lisp::?return acl2::?body) (atj-check-liftable-loop-test block))) (booleanp yes/no)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm jexprp-of-atj-check-liftable-loop-test.test (b* (((mv ?yes/no ?test common-lisp::?return acl2::?body) (atj-check-liftable-loop-test block))) (jexprp test)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm jexprp-of-atj-check-liftable-loop-test.return (b* (((mv ?yes/no ?test common-lisp::?return acl2::?body) (atj-check-liftable-loop-test block))) (jexprp return)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm jblockp-of-atj-check-liftable-loop-test.body (b* (((mv ?yes/no ?test common-lisp::?return acl2::?body) (atj-check-liftable-loop-test block))) (jblockp body)) :rule-classes :rewrite)