Generate a Java method that adds an ACL2 package definition.
This is a private static method that contains a sequence of statements to incrementally construct the Java list of symbols imported by the package. The sequence starts with a declaration of a local variable initialized with an empty Java list whose capacity is the length of the import list. After all the assignments, we generate a method call to add the ACL2 package definition with the calculated import list.
We set the
(defun atj-gen-pkg-method-aux (imports jvar-imports) (declare (xargs :guard (and (symbol-listp imports) (stringp jvar-imports)))) (let ((__function__ 'atj-gen-pkg-method-aux)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (cond ((endp imports) nil) (t (b* ((import-expr (atj-gen-symbol (car imports) t nil)) (first-block (jblock-method (str::cat jvar-imports ".add") (list import-expr))) (rest-block (atj-gen-pkg-method-aux (cdr imports) jvar-imports))) (append first-block rest-block))))))
(defthm jblockp-of-atj-gen-pkg-method-aux (b* ((block (atj-gen-pkg-method-aux imports jvar-imports))) (jblockp block)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defun atj-gen-pkg-method (pkg verbose$) (declare (xargs :guard (and (stringp pkg) (booleanp verbose$)))) (let ((__function__ 'atj-gen-pkg-method)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((run-when verbose$) (cw " ~s0~%" pkg)) (jvar-imports "imports") (method-name (atj-gen-pkg-method-name pkg)) (imports (pkg-imports pkg)) (len-expr (jexpr-lit-int-dec-nouscores (len imports))) (newlist-expr (jexpr-newclass (jtype-class "ArrayList<>") (list len-expr))) (imports-block (jblock-locvar (jtype-class "List<Acl2Symbol>") jvar-imports newlist-expr)) (imports-block (append imports-block (atj-gen-pkg-method-aux imports jvar-imports))) (pkg-name-expr (atj-gen-pkg-name pkg)) (defpkg-block (jblock-smethod *aij-type-pkg* "define" (list pkg-name-expr (jexpr-name jvar-imports)))) (method-body (append imports-block defpkg-block))) (make-jmethod :access (jaccess-private) :abstract? nil :static? t :final? nil :synchronized? nil :native? nil :strictfp? nil :result (jresult-void) :name method-name :params nil :throws nil :body method-body))))
(defthm jmethodp-of-atj-gen-pkg-method (b* ((method (atj-gen-pkg-method pkg verbose$))) (jmethodp method)) :rule-classes :rewrite)