Process the input of a test for a function call.
(atj-process-test-input input type fn call deep$ guards$ ctx state) → (mv erp test-input state)
This is some sub-term
(defun atj-process-test-input (input type fn call deep$ guards$ ctx state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (pseudo-termp input) (atj-typep type) (symbolp fn) (pseudo-termp call) (booleanp deep$) (booleanp guards$) (ctxp ctx)))) (let ((__function__ 'atj-process-test-input)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((irrelevant (atj-test-value-acl2 :irrelevant)) ((when (or deep$ (not guards$) (atj-type-case type :acl2))) (if (quotep input) (value (atj-test-value-acl2 (unquote-term input))) (er-soft+ ctx t irrelevant "The term ~x0 that is an argument of ~ the function call (~x1 ...) that translates ~ the test term ~x2 in the :TESTS input, ~ must be a quoted constant." input fn call))) ((when (atj-type-case type :jprim)) (b* ((ptype (atj-type-jprim->get type)) ((mv erp value state) (atj-process-test-input-jprim-value input ptype fn call ctx state)) ((when erp) (mv erp irrelevant state))) (value (primitive-type-case ptype :boolean (atj-test-value-jboolean value) :char (atj-test-value-jchar value) :byte (atj-test-value-jbyte value) :short (atj-test-value-jshort value) :int (atj-test-value-jint value) :long (atj-test-value-jlong value) :float (atj-test-value-acl2 :irrelevant) :double (atj-test-value-acl2 :irrelevant))))) (ptype (atj-type-jprimarr->comp type)) ((when (or (primitive-type-case ptype :float) (primitive-type-case ptype :double))) (er-soft+ ctx t irrelevant "Internal error: type of ~x0 arrays not supported." ptype)) (constructor (primitive-type-case ptype :boolean 'boolean-array-new-init :char 'char-array-new-init :byte 'byte-array-new-init :short 'short-array-new-init :int 'int-array-new-init :long 'long-array-new-init :float (impossible) :double (impossible))) (err-msg (msg "The term ~x0 that is an argument of ~ the function call (~x1 ...) that translates ~ the test term ~x2 in the :TESTS input, ~ must be a call (~x3 X) where X is ~ a translated (LIST ...) term ~ (i.e. a nest of CONSes ending with a quoted NIL) ~ with fewer than 2^32 terms." input fn call constructor)) ((unless (ffn-symb-p input constructor)) (er-soft+ ctx t irrelevant "~@0" err-msg)) (args (fargs input)) ((unless (= (len args) 1)) (er-soft+ ctx t irrelevant "~@0" err-msg)) (arg (car args)) ((mv okp elements) (check-list-call arg)) ((unless okp) (er-soft+ ctx t irrelevant "~@0" err-msg)) ((mv erp values state) (atj-process-test-input-jprim-values elements ptype fn input ctx state)) ((when erp) (mv erp irrelevant state)) ((unless (< (len values) (expt 2 31))) (er-soft+ ctx t irrelevant "~@0" err-msg))) (value (primitive-type-case ptype :boolean (atj-test-value-jboolean[] (boolean-array-new-init values)) :char (atj-test-value-jchar[] (char-array-new-init values)) :byte (atj-test-value-jbyte[] (byte-array-new-init values)) :short (atj-test-value-jshort[] (short-array-new-init values)) :int (atj-test-value-jint[] (int-array-new-init values)) :long (atj-test-value-jlong[] (long-array-new-init values)) :float irrelevant :double irrelevant)))))
(defthm atj-test-valuep-of-atj-process-test-input.test-input (b* (((mv ?erp ?test-input acl2::?state) (atj-process-test-input input type fn call deep$ guards$ ctx state))) (atj-test-valuep test-input)) :rule-classes :rewrite)