Calculate an instantiation of free variables.
(lift-thm-free-inst free witness state) → doublets
This is used to prove the lifting theorem, precisely the `only if' direction of the theorem for the case in which the relation has free variables. This instantiation is used in a lemma instance (see lift-thm). The instantiation replaces each variable with its lookup in the witness term of the defun-sk.
(defun lift-thm-free-inst (free witness state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (string-setp free))) (let ((__function__ 'lift-thm-free-inst)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (cond ((emptyp free) nil) (t (b* ((var (head free))) (cons (cons (name-to-symbol var state) (cons (cons 'cdr (cons (cons 'omap::assoc (cons var (cons witness 'nil))) 'nil)) 'nil)) (lift-thm-free-inst (tail free) witness state)))))))
(defthm doublet-listp-of-lift-thm-free-inst (b* ((doublets (lift-thm-free-inst free witness state))) (doublet-listp doublets)) :rule-classes :rewrite)