(expand expand-args fty-info abs state) → expanded-result
(defun expand (expand-args fty-info abs state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (ex-args-p expand-args) (fty-info-alist-p fty-info) (symbol-listp abs)))) (let ((acl2::__function__ 'expand)) (declare (ignorable acl2::__function__)) (b* ((expand-args (ex-args-fix expand-args)) (fty-info (fty-info-alist-fix fty-info)) ((ex-args a) expand-args) ((unless (consp a.term-lst)) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst nil :expanded-fn-lst a.expand-lst)) ((cons term rest) a.term-lst) ((if (symbolp term)) (b* ((rest-res (expand (change-ex-args a :term-lst rest) fty-info abs state)) ((ex-outs o) rest-res)) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst (cons term o.expanded-term-lst) :expanded-fn-lst o.expanded-fn-lst))) ((if (equal (car term) 'quote)) (b* ((rest-res (expand (change-ex-args a :term-lst rest) fty-info abs state)) ((ex-outs o) rest-res)) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst (cons term o.expanded-term-lst) :expanded-fn-lst o.expanded-fn-lst))) ((cons fn-call fn-actuals) term) ((if (pseudo-lambdap fn-call)) (b* ((lambda-formals (lambda-formals fn-call)) (body-res (expand (change-ex-args a :term-lst (list (lambda-body fn-call))) fty-info abs state)) ((ex-outs b) body-res) (lambda-body (car b.expanded-term-lst)) (actuals-res (expand (change-ex-args a :term-lst fn-actuals :expand-lst b.expanded-fn-lst) fty-info abs state)) ((ex-outs ac) actuals-res) (lambda-actuals ac.expanded-term-lst) ((unless (mbt (equal (len lambda-formals) (len lambda-actuals)))) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst a.term-lst :expanded-fn-lst a.expand-lst)) (lambda-fn (cons (cons 'lambda (cons lambda-formals (cons lambda-body 'nil))) lambda-actuals)) (rest-res (expand (change-ex-args a :term-lst rest :expand-lst ac.expanded-fn-lst) fty-info abs state)) ((ex-outs r) rest-res)) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst (cons lambda-fn r.expanded-term-lst) :expanded-fn-lst r.expanded-fn-lst))) ((unless (mbt (symbolp fn-call))) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst a.term-lst :expanded-fn-lst a.expand-lst)) (fn (hons-get fn-call a.fn-lst)) ((unless fn) (b* (((unless (function-symbolp fn-call (w state))) (prog2$ (er hard? 'smt-goal-generator=>expand "Should be a function call: ~q0" fn-call) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst a.term-lst :expanded-fn-lst a.expand-lst))) (basic-function (member-equal fn-call *smt-basics*)) (flex? (fncall-of-flextype fn-call fty-info)) (abs? (member-equal fn-call abs)) (lvl-item (assoc-equal fn-call a.fn-lvls)) (extract-res (meta-extract-formula fn-call state)) ((if (equal fn-call 'return-last)) (b* ((actuals-res (expand (change-ex-args a :term-lst (last fn-actuals)) fty-info abs state)) ((ex-outs ac) actuals-res) (rest-res (expand (change-ex-args a :term-lst rest :expand-lst ac.expanded-fn-lst) fty-info abs state)) ((ex-outs r) rest-res)) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst (cons (car ac.expanded-term-lst) r.expanded-term-lst) :expanded-fn-lst r.expanded-fn-lst))) ((if (or basic-function flex? abs? (<= a.wrld-fn-len 0) (and lvl-item (zp (cdr lvl-item))) (equal extract-res ''t))) (b* ((actuals-res (expand (change-ex-args a :term-lst fn-actuals) fty-info abs state)) ((ex-outs ac) actuals-res) (rest-res (expand (change-ex-args a :term-lst rest :expand-lst ac.expanded-fn-lst) fty-info abs state)) ((ex-outs r) rest-res)) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst (cons (cons fn-call ac.expanded-term-lst) r.expanded-term-lst) :expanded-fn-lst r.expanded-fn-lst))) (formals (formals fn-call (w state))) ((unless (symbol-listp formals)) (prog2$ (er hard? 'smt-goal-generator=>expand "formals get a list that's not a symbol-listp for ~q0, the formals are ~q1" fn-call formals) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst a.term-lst :expanded-fn-lst a.expand-lst))) ((unless (true-listp extract-res)) (prog2$ (er hard? 'smt-goal-generator=>expand "meta-extract-formula returning a non-true-listp for ~q0The extracted result is ~q1" fn-call extract-res) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst a.term-lst :expanded-fn-lst a.expand-lst))) (body (nth 2 extract-res)) ((unless (pseudo-termp body)) (prog2$ (er hard? 'smt-goal-generator=>expand "meta-extract-formula returning a non-pseudo-term for ~q0The body is ~q1" fn-call body) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst a.term-lst :expanded-fn-lst a.expand-lst))) (updated-expand-lst (if (assoc-equal term a.expand-lst) a.expand-lst (cons (cons term term) a.expand-lst))) (body-res (expand (change-ex-args a :term-lst (list body) :fn-lvls (cons (cons fn-call '0) a.fn-lvls) :wrld-fn-len (1- a.wrld-fn-len) :expand-lst updated-expand-lst) fty-info abs state)) ((ex-outs b) body-res) (expanded-lambda-body (car b.expanded-term-lst)) (expanded-lambda (cons 'lambda (cons formals (cons expanded-lambda-body 'nil)))) (actuals-res (expand (change-ex-args a :term-lst fn-actuals :expand-lst b.expanded-fn-lst) fty-info abs state)) ((ex-outs ac) actuals-res) (expanded-term-list ac.expanded-term-lst) ((unless (equal (len formals) (len expanded-term-list))) (prog2$ (er hard? 'smt-goal-generator=>expand "You called your function with the wrong number of actuals: ~q0" term) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst a.term-lst :expanded-fn-lst ac.expanded-fn-lst))) (rest-res (expand (change-ex-args a :term-lst rest :expand-lst ac.expanded-fn-lst) fty-info abs state)) ((ex-outs r) rest-res)) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst (cons (cons expanded-lambda expanded-term-list) r.expanded-term-lst) :expanded-fn-lst r.expanded-fn-lst))) (lvl-item (assoc-equal fn-call a.fn-lvls)) ((unless lvl-item) (prog2$ (er hard? 'smt-goal-generator=>expand "Function ~q0 exists in the definition list but not in the levels list?" fn-call) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst a.term-lst :expanded-fn-lst a.expand-lst))) ((if (zp (cdr lvl-item))) (b* ((actuals-res (expand (change-ex-args a :term-lst fn-actuals) fty-info abs state)) ((ex-outs ac) actuals-res) (rest-res (expand (change-ex-args a :term-lst rest :expand-lst ac.expanded-fn-lst) fty-info abs state)) ((ex-outs r) rest-res)) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst (cons (cons fn-call ac.expanded-term-lst) r.expanded-term-lst) :expanded-fn-lst r.expanded-fn-lst))) (new-fn-lvls (update-fn-lvls fn-call a.fn-lvls)) ((func f) (cdr fn)) (extract-res (meta-extract-formula fn-call state)) ((unless (true-listp extract-res)) (prog2$ (er hard? 'smt-goal-generator=>expand "meta-extract-formula returning a non-true-listp for ~q0The extracted result is ~q1" fn-call extract-res) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst a.term-lst :expanded-fn-lst a.expand-lst))) (body (nth 2 extract-res)) ((unless (pseudo-termp body)) (prog2$ (er hard? 'smt-goal-generator=>expand "meta-extract-formula returning a non-pseudo-term for ~q0The body is ~q1" fn-call body) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst a.term-lst :expanded-fn-lst a.expand-lst))) (updated-expand-lst (if (assoc-equal term a.expand-lst) a.expand-lst (cons (cons term term) a.expand-lst))) (formals f.flattened-formals) (body-res (expand (change-ex-args a :term-lst (list body) :fn-lvls new-fn-lvls :expand-lst updated-expand-lst) fty-info abs state)) ((ex-outs b) body-res) (expanded-lambda-body (car b.expanded-term-lst)) (expanded-lambda (cons 'lambda (cons formals (cons expanded-lambda-body 'nil)))) (actuals-res (expand (change-ex-args a :term-lst fn-actuals :expand-lst b.expanded-fn-lst) fty-info abs state)) ((ex-outs ac) actuals-res) (expanded-term-list ac.expanded-term-lst) ((unless (equal (len formals) (len expanded-term-list))) (prog2$ (er hard? 'smt-goal-generator=>expand "You called your function with the wrong number of actuals: ~q0" term) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst a.term-lst :expanded-fn-lst ac.expanded-fn-lst))) (rest-res (expand (change-ex-args a :term-lst rest :expand-lst ac.expanded-fn-lst) fty-info abs state)) ((ex-outs r) rest-res)) (make-ex-outs :expanded-term-lst (cons (cons expanded-lambda expanded-term-list) r.expanded-term-lst) :expanded-fn-lst r.expanded-fn-lst))))
(defthm ex-outs-p-of-expand (b* ((expanded-result (expand expand-args fty-info abs state))) (ex-outs-p expanded-result)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm pseudo-term-alistp-of-expand (b* ((expanded-result (expand expand-args fty-info abs state))) (implies (ex-args-p expand-args) (pseudo-term-alistp (ex-outs->expanded-fn-lst expanded-result)))) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm pseudo-term-listp-of-expand (b* ((expanded-result (expand expand-args fty-info abs state))) (implies (ex-args-p expand-args) (pseudo-term-listp (ex-outs->expanded-term-lst expanded-result)))) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm pseudo-termp-of-car-of-expand (b* ((expanded-result (expand expand-args fty-info abs state))) (implies (ex-args-p expand-args) (pseudo-termp (car (ex-outs->expanded-term-lst expanded-result))))) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm len-of-expand (b* ((expanded-result (expand expand-args fty-info abs state))) (implies (ex-args-p expand-args) (equal (len (ex-outs->expanded-term-lst expanded-result)) (len (ex-args->term-lst expand-args))))) :rule-classes :rewrite)