Process the
(defun defequal-process-left-and-right (left left-present right right-present verify-guards ctx state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (booleanp left-present) (booleanp right-present)))) (let ((__function__ 'defequal-process-left-and-right)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((wrld (w state)) ((unless left-present) (er-soft+ ctx t 0 "The :LEFT input must be present, but it is not.")) ((unless right-present) (er-soft+ ctx t 0 "The :RIGHT input must be present, but it is not.")) ((er &) (ensure-value-is-function-name$ left (msg "The :LEFT input ~x0" left) t 0)) ((er &) (ensure-value-is-function-name$ right (msg "The :RIGHT input ~x0" right) t 0)) (left-guard (uguard left wrld)) (right-guard (uguard right wrld)) (left-arity (arity+ left wrld)) (right-arity (arity+ right wrld)) ((unless (= left-arity right-arity)) (er-soft+ ctx t 0 "The function ~x0 specified by the :LEFT input ~ and the function ~x1 specified by :RIGHT input ~ must have the same arity, but they do not: ~ the first has arity ~x2 and the second has arity ~x3." left right left-arity right-arity)) ((unless (> left-arity 0)) (er-soft+ ctx t 0 "The arity of the functions ~x0 and ~x1 ~ specified by the :LEFT and :RIGHT inputs ~ must not be zero, but it is zero instead." left right)) ((when (and (not (funvarp left wrld)) (not (sofunp left wrld)) (not (funvarp right wrld)) (not (sofunp right wrld)))) (er-soft+ ctx t 0 "At least one of the two functions ~x0 and ~x1 ~ specified by the :LEFT and :RIGHT inputs ~ must be a function variable ~ or a second-order function, ~ but they are not." left right)) ((er &) (if (eq verify-guards t) (b* (((unless (equal left-guard *t*)) (er-soft+ ctx t 0 "Since the :VERIFY-GUARD input ~ is (perhaps by default) T, ~ the guard of the function ~x0 ~ specified by the :LEFT input ~ must be T, but it is ~x1 instead." left left-guard)) ((unless (equal right-guard *t*)) (er-soft+ ctx t 0 "Since the :VERIFY-GUARD input ~ is (perhaps by default) T, ~ the guard of the function ~x0 ~ specified by the :RIGHT input ~ must be T, but it is ~x1 instead." right right-guard)) ((unless (guard-verified-p+ left wrld)) (er-soft+ ctx t 0 "Since the :VERIFY-GUARD input ~ is (perhaps by default) T, ~ the function ~x0 ~ specified by the :LEFT input ~ must be guard-verified, but it is not." left)) ((unless (guard-verified-p+ right wrld)) (er-soft+ ctx t 0 "Since the :VERIFY-GUARD input ~ is (perhaps by default) T, ~ the function ~x0 ~ specified by the :RIGHT input ~ must be guard-verified, but it is not." right))) (value nil)) (value nil)))) (value left-arity))))
(defthm natp-of-defequal-process-left-and-right.n (b* (((mv ?erp ?n acl2::?state) (defequal-process-left-and-right left left-present right right-present verify-guards ctx state))) (natp n)) :rule-classes :rewrite)