A way to use mv-like return specifiers for tuples.
Return specifiers support individual names and types (and hypothes, etc.) for components of mv results. However, when a function returns an error triple whose value (i.e. middle component) consists of multiple results, given that the error triple already consists of multiple results (three: the error, the value, and the state), it is not possible to use the mv return specifier notation for the value of the error triple.
So here we provide a macro, called
The macro call
(tuple (var1 type1) ... (varn typen) x)
where each
(and (tuplep n x) (b* (((list var1 ... varn) x)) (and (type1 var1) ... (typen varn))))
where each
This lets us write return specifiers of the form
:returns (mv erp (val (tuple (var1 type1) ... (varn typen) val)) state)
where we can use the call
We may extend this macro with support for
The macro is in the
(defmacro tuple (&rest args) (b* ((var (car (last args))) (comps (butlast args 1)) ((mv vars conjuncts) (tuple-fn comps))) (cons 'and (cons (cons 'tuplep (cons (len comps) (cons var 'nil))) (cons (cons 'b* (cons (cons (cons (cons 'list vars) (cons var 'nil)) 'nil) (cons (cons 'and conjuncts) 'nil))) 'nil)))))
(defmacro acl2::tuple (&rest args) (cons 'tuple args))
(defun tuple-fn (args) (declare (xargs :guard (true-listp args))) (let ((__function__ 'tuple-fn)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((when (endp args)) (mv nil nil)) (arg (car args)) ((unless (tuplep 2 arg)) (mv nil nil)) (var (first arg)) (type (second arg)) (conjunct (if (symbolp type) (list type var) type)) ((mv vars conjuncts) (tuple-fn (cdr args)))) (mv (cons var vars) (cons conjunct conjuncts)))))