(svtv-easy-bindings-main x svtv) → *
(defun svtv-easy-bindings-main (x svtv) (declare (xargs :guard (svtv-p svtv))) (let ((__function__ 'svtv-easy-bindings-main)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (cond ((atom x) nil) ((symbolp (car x)) (cons (cons ':nat (cons (car x) (cons (svtv->in-width (car x) svtv) 'nil))) (svtv-easy-bindings-main (cdr x) svtv))) ((atom (car x)) (raise "Illegal argumen to svtv-easy-bindings: ~x0" (car x))) ((or (eq (caar x) :nat) (eq (caar x) :int) (eq (caar x) :bool) (eq (caar x) :skip)) (cons (car x) (svtv-easy-bindings-main (cdr x) svtv))) ((or (eq (caar x) :mix) (eq (caar x) :seq)) (let ((elems (cdar x))) (cons (cons (caar x) (svtv-easy-bindings-main elems svtv)) (svtv-easy-bindings-main (cdr x) svtv)))) ((eq (caar x) :rev) (cons (cons :rev (svtv-easy-bindings-main (cdar x) svtv)) (svtv-easy-bindings-main (cdr x) svtv))) (t (raise "Arguments to svtv-easy-bindings should be input names or ~ a :mix, :seq, or :rev form, so ~x0 is illegal." (car x))))))
(defthm svtv-easy-bindings-main-of-svtv-fix-svtv (equal (svtv-easy-bindings-main x (svtv-fix svtv)) (svtv-easy-bindings-main x svtv)))
(defthm svtv-easy-bindings-main-svtv-equiv-congruence-on-svtv (implies (svtv-equiv svtv svtv-equiv) (equal (svtv-easy-bindings-main x svtv) (svtv-easy-bindings-main x svtv-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)