Find the definition of a function with a given name in a list of top-level constructs.
(get-function-definition name tops) → fundef?
We look both at the function definitions at the top level and at the function definitions inside the function recursions.
We return
We look up the top-level constructs in order. In well-formed lists of top-level constructs, the defined function names are unique, so any order would yield the same result.
(defun get-function-definition (name tops) (declare (xargs :guard (and (identifierp name) (toplevel-listp tops)))) (let ((__function__ 'get-function-definition)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((when (endp tops)) nil) (top (car tops))) (toplevel-case top :type (get-function-definition name (cdr tops)) :types (get-function-definition name (cdr tops)) :function (if (identifier-equiv name (function-header->name (function-definition->header top.get))) top.get (get-function-definition name (cdr tops))) :functions (b* ((fundef? (get-function-definition-in-function-definitions name (function-recursion->definitions top.get)))) (or fundef? (get-function-definition name (cdr tops)))) :specification (get-function-definition name (cdr tops)) :theorem (get-function-definition name (cdr tops)) :transform (get-function-definition name (cdr tops))))))
(defthm maybe-function-definitionp-of-get-function-definition (b* ((fundef? (get-function-definition name tops))) (maybe-function-definitionp fundef?)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm get-function-definition-of-identifier-fix-name (equal (get-function-definition (identifier-fix name) tops) (get-function-definition name tops)))
(defthm get-function-definition-identifier-equiv-congruence-on-name (implies (identifier-equiv name name-equiv) (equal (get-function-definition name tops) (get-function-definition name-equiv tops))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm get-function-definition-of-toplevel-list-fix-tops (equal (get-function-definition name (toplevel-list-fix tops)) (get-function-definition name tops)))
(defthm get-function-definition-toplevel-list-equiv-congruence-on-tops (implies (toplevel-list-equiv tops tops-equiv) (equal (get-function-definition name tops) (get-function-definition name tops-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)