Try to push data IFs down, pull clock IFs up, and align the polarity of clock-based IFs with the edge declarations.
(vl-edgesynth-normalize-ifs x edgetable) → new-stmt
(defun vl-edgesynth-normalize-ifs (x edgetable) (declare (xargs :guard (and (and (vl-stmt-p x) (vl-edgesynth-stmt-p x)) (vl-edgetable-p edgetable)))) (let ((__function__ 'vl-edgesynth-normalize-ifs)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((when (vl-atomicstmt-p x)) x) ((when (vl-ifstmt-p x)) (b* (((vl-ifstmt x) x) ((mv type guts) (vl-edgesynth-classify-iftest x.condition edgetable)) (true (vl-edgesynth-normalize-ifs x.truebranch edgetable)) (false (vl-edgesynth-normalize-ifs x.falsebranch edgetable)) ((when (eq type :clock)) (b* ((clockname (vl-idexpr->name guts)) (edge (cdr (hons-assoc-equal clockname edgetable))) (posedgep (vl-edgesynth-edge->posedgep edge)) ((when posedgep) (make-vl-ifstmt :condition guts :truebranch true :falsebranch false))) (make-vl-ifstmt :condition (vl-condition-neg guts) :truebranch false :falsebranch true))) ((when (eq type :nclock)) (b* ((clockname (vl-idexpr->name guts)) (edge (cdr (hons-assoc-equal clockname edgetable))) (posedgep (vl-edgesynth-edge->posedgep edge)) ((when posedgep) (make-vl-ifstmt :condition guts :truebranch false :falsebranch true))) (make-vl-ifstmt :condition (vl-condition-neg guts) :truebranch true :falsebranch false))) ((unless (eq type :data)) x)) x)) ((when (vl-blockstmt-p x)) (raise "Thought we already got rid of block statements!") x)) (raise "Should be impossible.") x)))
(defthm vl-edgesynth-stmt-p-of-vl-edgesynth-normalize-ifs (implies (and (force (if (vl-stmt-p x) (vl-edgesynth-stmt-p x) 'nil)) (force (vl-edgetable-p edgetable))) (b* ((new-stmt (vl-edgesynth-normalize-ifs x edgetable))) (vl-edgesynth-stmt-p new-stmt))) :rule-classes :rewrite)