Follow a HID to find the associated declaration.
(vl-follow-hidexpr x ss ctx &key strictp) → (mv err trace tail)
Prerequisite: see following-hids for considerable discussion about the goals and design of this function.
This is our top-level routine for following hierarchical identifiers. It
understands how to resolve both top-level hierarchical identifiers like
We try to follow
We return a vl-hidtrace-p that records, in ``backwards'' order, the
steps that we took to resolve
The trace we return stops at variable declarations. This may be confusing
because, in Verilog, the same
typedef struct { logic fastMode; ...; } opcode_t; typedef struct { opcode_t opcode; ... } instruction_t; module bar (...) ; instruction_t instruction1; ... endmodule module foo (...) ; bar mybar(...) ; ... endmodule module main (...) ; foo myfoo(...) ; ... $display("fastMode is %b", myfoo.mybar.instruction1.opcode.fastMode); endmodule
When we follow
To account for this, we return not only the
(defun vl-follow-hidexpr-fn (x ss ctx strictp) (declare (xargs :guard (and (vl-expr-p x) (vl-scopestack-p ss) (acl2::any-p ctx) (booleanp strictp)))) (declare (xargs :guard (vl-hidexpr-p x))) (let ((__function__ 'vl-follow-hidexpr)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((x (vl-expr-fix x)) (idx1 (vl-hidexpr->first x)) (name1 (vl-hidindex->name idx1)) (origx x) (trace nil) ((mv item &) (vl-scopestack-find-item/ss name1 ss)) ((when item) (vl-follow-hidexpr-aux x nil ss :strictp strictp :ctx ctx)) ((when (vl-hidexpr->endp x)) (mv (vl-follow-hidexpr-error "item not found" ss) trace x)) (design (vl-scopestack->design ss)) ((unless design) (mv (vl-follow-hidexpr-error "item not found" ss) trace x)) (mods (vl-design->mods design)) (toplevel (vl-modulelist-toplevel mods)) ((unless (member-equal name1 toplevel)) (mv (vl-follow-hidexpr-error "item not found" ss) trace x)) (indices (vl-hidindex->indices idx1)) ((when (consp indices)) (mv (vl-follow-hidexpr-error "array indices into top level module" ss) trace x)) (mod (vl-find-module name1 mods)) (mod-ss (vl-scopestack-init design)) (next-ss (vl-scopestack-push mod mod-ss))) (vl-follow-hidexpr-aux (vl-hidexpr->rest x) trace next-ss :strictp strictp :ctx ctx))))
(defthm return-type-of-vl-follow-hidexpr.err (b* (((mv ?err common-lisp::?trace set::?tail) (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x ss ctx strictp))) (iff (vl-warning-p err) err)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm vl-hidtrace-p-of-vl-follow-hidexpr.trace (b* (((mv ?err common-lisp::?trace set::?tail) (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x ss ctx strictp))) (vl-hidtrace-p trace)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm vl-expr-p-of-vl-follow-hidexpr.tail (b* (((mv ?err common-lisp::?trace set::?tail) (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x ss ctx strictp))) (vl-expr-p tail)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm consp-of-vl-follow-hidexpr.trace (b* (((mv ?err common-lisp::?trace set::?tail) (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x ss ctx strictp))) (implies (not err) (consp trace))) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm vl-hidexpr-p-of-vl-follow-hidexpr.tail (implies (vl-hidexpr-p x) (b* (((mv ?err common-lisp::?trace set::?tail) (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x ss ctx strictp))) (vl-hidexpr-p tail))) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm context-irrelevance-of-vl-follow-hidexpr (implies (syntaxp (not (equal ctx (list 'quote nil)))) (b* (((mv err1 trace1 tail1) (vl-follow-hidexpr x ss ctx :strictp strictp)) ((mv err2 trace2 tail2) (vl-follow-hidexpr x ss nil :strictp strictp))) (and (equal trace1 trace2) (equal tail1 tail2) (iff err1 err2)))))
(defthm vl-follow-hidexpr-fn-of-vl-expr-fix-x (equal (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn (vl-expr-fix x) ss ctx strictp) (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x ss ctx strictp)))
(defthm vl-follow-hidexpr-fn-vl-expr-equiv-congruence-on-x (implies (vl-expr-equiv x x-equiv) (equal (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x ss ctx strictp) (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x-equiv ss ctx strictp))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm vl-follow-hidexpr-fn-of-vl-scopestack-fix-ss (equal (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x (vl-scopestack-fix ss) ctx strictp) (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x ss ctx strictp)))
(defthm vl-follow-hidexpr-fn-vl-scopestack-equiv-congruence-on-ss (implies (vl-scopestack-equiv ss ss-equiv) (equal (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x ss ctx strictp) (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x ss-equiv ctx strictp))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm vl-follow-hidexpr-fn-of-identity-ctx (equal (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x ss (identity ctx) strictp) (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x ss ctx strictp)))
(defthm vl-follow-hidexpr-fn-equal-congruence-on-ctx (implies (equal ctx ctx-equiv) (equal (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x ss ctx strictp) (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x ss ctx-equiv strictp))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm vl-follow-hidexpr-fn-of-bool-fix-strictp (equal (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x ss ctx (acl2::bool-fix strictp)) (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x ss ctx strictp)))
(defthm vl-follow-hidexpr-fn-iff-congruence-on-strictp (implies (iff strictp strictp-equiv) (equal (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x ss ctx strictp) (vl-follow-hidexpr-fn x ss ctx strictp-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)