Tokens for integer constants.
(vl-inttoken-p x) is a defaggregate of the following fields.
- etext — The characters that gave rise to this token.
Invariant (and (vl-echarlist-p etext) (consp etext) (true-listp etext)).
- width — The width of this integer. Note that VL acts like a 32-bit
Verilog implementation and, for an unsized integer like 3 or
'b101 we will produce a 32-bit token. See also some
additional discussion in vl-constint-p.
Invariant (posp width).
- signedp — Whether this number is to be treated as a signed value. This is
decided by in Section 3.5.1, and for instance 19 is signed,
'd19 is unsigned, 'sd19 is signed, and so on.
Invariant (booleanp signedp).
- value — nil when there are any X or Z digits. Otherwise,
a natural number that reflects the actual value of this constant.
Note that there are no negative numbers because, e.g., -5
basically is interpreted as a unary-minus operator applied to 5.
Invariant (maybe-natp value).
- bits — nil unless there are any X or Z digits. In these
cases, it is a msb-first vl-bitlist-p that contains exactly
width-many bits.
Invariant (vl-bitlist-p bits).
- wasunsized — Indicates whether the constant was originally unsized. If so,
VL acts like a 32-bit implementation and the resulting integer
will have width 32. Mainly intended for use in linting or
other kinds of heuristic checking. See also vl-constint-p.
Invariant (booleanp wasunsized).
Source link: vl-inttoken-p
- Vl-inttoken
- Raw constructor for vl-inttoken-p structures.
- Make-vl-inttoken
- Constructor macro for vl-inttoken-p structures.
- Change-vl-inttoken
- A copying macro that lets you create new vl-inttoken-p structures, based on existing structures.
- Vl-inttoken-constraint-p
- Basic well-formedness constraint on integer tokens.
- Honsed-vl-inttoken
- Raw constructor for honsed vl-inttoken-p structures.
- Make-honsed-vl-inttoken
- Constructor macro for honsed vl-inttoken-p structures.
- Vl-inttoken->width
- Access the width field of a vl-inttoken-p structure.
- Vl-inttoken->wasunsized
- Access the wasunsized field of a vl-inttoken-p structure.
- Vl-inttoken->value
- Access the value field of a vl-inttoken-p structure.
- Vl-inttoken->signedp
- Access the signedp field of a vl-inttoken-p structure.
- Vl-inttoken->etext
- Access the etext field of a vl-inttoken-p structure.
- Vl-inttoken->bits
- Access the bits field of a vl-inttoken-p structure.