Generate an N-bit latch module.
(vl-make-n-bit-latch n) → mods
We generate a module that is written in terms of primitives and is semantically equivalent to:
module VL_N_BIT_LATCH (q, clk, d); output q; input clk; input d; reg q; always @(d or clk) q <= clk ? d : q; endmodule
The actual definition uses a list of *vl-1-bit-latch* primitives, e.g., for the four-bit case we would have:
module VL_4_BIT_LATCH (q, clk, d); output [3:0] q; input clk; input [3:0] d; VL_1_BIT_LATCH bit_0 (q[0], clk, d[0]); VL_1_BIT_LATCH bit_1 (q[1], clk, d[1]); VL_1_BIT_LATCH bit_2 (q[2], clk, d[2]); VL_1_BIT_LATCH bit_3 (q[3], clk, d[3]); endmodule
(defun vl-make-n-bit-latch (n) (declare (xargs :guard (posp n))) (let ((__function__ 'vl-make-n-bit-latch)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((when (eql n 1)) (list *vl-1-bit-latch*)) (name (hons-copy (cat "VL_" (natstr n) "_BIT_LATCH"))) ((mv q-expr q-port q-portdecl q-vardecl) (vl-occform-mkport "q" :vl-output n)) ((mv clk-expr clk-port clk-portdecl clk-vardecl) (vl-occform-mkport "clk" :vl-input 1)) ((mv d-expr d-port d-portdecl d-vardecl) (vl-occform-mkport "d" :vl-input n)) (q-wires (vl-make-list-of-bitselects q-expr 0 (- n 1))) (d-wires (vl-make-list-of-bitselects d-expr 0 (- n 1))) (modinsts (vl-make-1-bit-latch-instances q-wires clk-expr d-wires 0))) (list (make-vl-module :name name :origname name :ports (list q-port clk-port d-port) :portdecls (list q-portdecl clk-portdecl d-portdecl) :vardecls (list q-vardecl clk-vardecl d-vardecl) :modinsts modinsts :atts (acons "VL_HANDS_OFF" nil nil) :minloc *vl-fakeloc* :maxloc *vl-fakeloc*) *vl-1-bit-latch*))))
(defthm vl-modulelist-p-of-vl-make-n-bit-latch (b* ((mods (vl-make-n-bit-latch n))) (vl-modulelist-p mods)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm type-of-vl-make-n-bit-latch (and (true-listp (vl-make-n-bit-latch n)) (consp (vl-make-n-bit-latch n))) :rule-classes :type-prescription)