Generate an multiplier module.
(vl-make-n-bit-mult n) → mods
We produce
module VL_N_BIT_MULT (out, a, b) ; output [n-1:0] out; input [n-1:0] a; input [n-1:0] b; assign out = a * b; endmodule
We use a naive, sum-of-partial-products style multiplier. It computes
N (shifted) partial products (using N gates apiece), then sums them together
The semantics of Verilog require that if any bit of
(defun vl-make-n-bit-mult (n) (declare (xargs :guard (posp n))) (declare (xargs :guard t)) (let ((__function__ 'vl-make-n-bit-mult)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((n (lposfix n)) ((when (eql n 1)) (list *vl-1-bit-mult* *vl-1-bit-and* *vl-1-bit-xor*)) (name (hons-copy (cat "VL_" (natstr n) "_BIT_MULT"))) ((mv o-expr o-port o-portdecl o-vardecl) (vl-occform-mkport "o" :vl-output n)) ((mv a-expr a-port a-portdecl a-vardecl) (vl-occform-mkport "a" :vl-input n)) ((mv b-expr b-port b-portdecl b-vardecl) (vl-occform-mkport "b" :vl-input n)) ((mv p-exprs p-vardecls) (vl-occform-mkwires "p" 0 n :width n)) ((mv s-exprs s-vardecls) (vl-occform-mkwires "s" 0 (- n 1) :width n)) ((mv c-exprs c-vardecls) (vl-occform-mkwires "c" 0 (- n 1) :width 1)) (p-insts (vl-partprod-insts 0 n)) (adder-mods (vl-make-n-bit-adder-core n)) (adder-mod (car adder-mods)) (adders (vl-simple-inst-list adder-mod "add" s-exprs c-exprs (cons (car (last p-exprs)) (butlast s-exprs 1)) (cdr (rev p-exprs)) (replicate (- n 1) |*sized-1'b0*|))) (ans (car (last s-exprs))) (xprop-modules (vl-make-n-bit-x-propagator n n)) (xprop-mod (car xprop-modules)) (xprop-inst (vl-simple-inst xprop-mod "xprop" o-expr ans a-expr b-expr)) (mod (make-vl-module :name name :origname name :ports (list o-port a-port b-port) :portdecls (list o-portdecl a-portdecl b-portdecl) :vardecls (list* o-vardecl a-vardecl b-vardecl (append p-vardecls s-vardecls c-vardecls)) :modinsts (append p-insts adders (list xprop-inst)) :minloc *vl-fakeloc* :maxloc *vl-fakeloc*))) (list* mod (cons *vl-1-bit-buf* (append adder-mods xprop-modules))))))
(defthm vl-modulelist-p-of-vl-make-n-bit-mult (b* ((mods (vl-make-n-bit-mult n))) (vl-modulelist-p mods)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm type-of-vl-make-n-bit-mult (and (true-listp (vl-make-n-bit-mult n)) (consp (vl-make-n-bit-mult n))) :rule-classes :type-prescription)
(defthm vl-make-n-bit-mult-of-pos-fix-n (equal (vl-make-n-bit-mult (pos-fix n)) (vl-make-n-bit-mult n)))
(defthm vl-make-n-bit-mult-pos-equiv-congruence-on-n (implies (acl2::pos-equiv n n-equiv) (equal (vl-make-n-bit-mult n) (vl-make-n-bit-mult n-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)