Ensure the port pattern for a module is reasonable.
(vl-module-check-port-bits x) → new-x
(vl-module-check-port-bits x) separately builds up the bit
patterns for ports and the port declarations of the module
(defun vl-module-check-port-bits (x) (declare (xargs :guard (vl-module-p x))) (let ((__function__ 'vl-module-check-port-bits)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((vl-module x) (vl-module-fix x)) (warnings x.warnings) ((mv successp warnings walist) (vl-module-wirealist x warnings)) ((unless successp) (change-vl-module x :warnings warnings)) ((with-fast walist)) ((mv okp1 warnings1 port-bits) (vl-portlist-msb-bit-pattern x.ports walist)) ((mv okp2 warnings2 in-wires out-wires) (vl-portdecls-to-i/o x.portdecls walist)) (warnings (append-without-guard warnings1 warnings2 x.warnings)) ((unless (and okp1 okp2)) (change-vl-module x :warnings warnings)) (flat-ports (flatten port-bits)) (flat-ports-s (mergesort flat-ports)) (flat-ins (flatten in-wires)) (flat-outs (flatten out-wires)) (flat-ins-s (mergesort flat-ins)) (flat-outs-s (mergesort flat-outs)) (flat-decls-s (union flat-ins-s flat-outs-s)) (warnings (b* (((when (mbe :logic (uniquep (append flat-ins flat-outs)) :exec (and (mbe :logic (uniquep flat-ins) :exec (same-lengthp flat-ins-s flat-ins)) (mbe :logic (uniquep flat-outs) :exec (same-lengthp flat-outs-s flat-outs)) (mbe :logic (not (intersectp-equal flat-ins flat-outs)) :exec (not (set::intersectp flat-ins-s flat-outs-s)))))) warnings) (dupe-names (duplicated-members (vl-portdecllist->names x.portdecls))) ((when dupe-names) (fatal :type :vl-bad-portdecls :msg "The following ports are illegally declared more ~ than once: ~&0." :args (list dupe-names))) (dupe-bits (duplicated-members (append flat-ins flat-outs)))) (fatal :type :vl-programming-error :msg "Failed to generate unique port bit names even though ~ the port decls have unique names. Jared thinks this ~ should be impossible unless the wire alist is invalid. ~ Duplicate bits: ~&0." :args (list (vl-verilogify-emodwirelist dupe-bits))))) (warnings (b* (((when (mbe :logic (uniquep flat-ports) :exec (same-lengthp flat-ports-s flat-ports))) warnings) (dupe-bits (duplicated-members flat-ports))) (fatal :type :vl-bad-ports :msg "The following wires are directly connected to multiple ~ ports: ~&0." :args (list (vl-verilogify-emodwirelist dupe-bits))))) (warnings (b* (((when (equal flat-decls-s flat-ports-s)) warnings) (extra-port-bits (difference flat-ports-s flat-decls-s)) (extra-decl-bits (difference flat-decls-s flat-ports-s))) (fatal :type :vl-bad-ports :msg "Mismatch between the ports and port declarations:~% ~ - Bits only in ports: ~&0~% ~ - Bits only in port declarations: ~&1" :args (list (vl-verilogify-emodwirelist extra-port-bits) (vl-verilogify-emodwirelist extra-decl-bits))))) ((when (equal x.warnings warnings)) x)) (change-vl-module x :warnings warnings))))
(defthm return-type-of-vl-module-check-port-bits (b* ((new-x (vl-module-check-port-bits x))) (and (vl-module-p new-x) (equal (vl-module->name new-x) (vl-module->name x)))) :rule-classes :rewrite)