Convert a Verilog module into an E module.
(vl-module-make-esim x mods modalist eal) → (mv new-x eal)
We try to compute the
(defun vl-module-make-esim (x mods modalist eal) (declare (xargs :guard (and (vl-module-p x) (vl-modulelist-p mods) (vl-ealist-p eal) (equal modalist (vl-modalist mods))))) (let ((__function__ 'vl-module-make-esim)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((vl-module x) x) ((when x.esim) (if (good-esim-modulep x.esim) (mv x (hons-acons x.esim eal)) (b* ((w (make-vl-warning :type :vl-bad-esim :msg "~a0 already has an esim provided, but it does ~ not even satisfy good-esim-modulep." :args (list :fatalp t :fn 'vl-module-make-esim))) (mv (change-vl-module x :esim nil :warnings (cons w x.warnings)) eal)))) (warnings x.warnings) ((mv okp warnings) (vl-module-check-e-ok x warnings)) ((unless okp) (mv (change-vl-module x :warnings warnings) eal)) ((mv okp warnings walist) (vl-module-wirealist x warnings)) ((unless okp) (er hard? 'vl-module-make-esim "Wire-alist construction failed? Shouldn't be possible: we ~ should have already done this in vl-module-check-port-bits.") (mv x eal)) (starname (vl-starname ((mv okp & in out) (vl-portdecls-to-i/o x.portdecls walist)) ((unless okp) (er hard? 'vl-module-make-esim "Portdecl i/o pattern construction failed? Shouldn't be ~ possible: we should have already done this in ~ vl-module-check-port-bits.") (mv x eal)) (flat-in (pat-flatten1 in)) (flat-out (pat-flatten1 out)) (flat-ios (append flat-in flat-out)) ((mv okp warnings occs) (vl-modinstlist-to-eoccs x.modinsts walist mods modalist eal warnings)) ((unless okp) (mv (change-vl-module x :warnings warnings) eal)) (all-names (vl-eocclist-allnames-exec occs flat-ios)) ((unless (vl-emodwirelist-p all-names)) (er hard? 'vl-module-make-esim "Found names that are not emodwires in the list of allnames? ~ This shouldn't be possible because of how the occurrences and ~ i/o patterns are constructed.") (mv x eal)) (occs (vl-add-zdrivers all-names flat-in flat-out occs)) ((when (let ((driven-sigs (collect-signal-list :o occs))) (or (member 't driven-sigs) (member 'acl2::f driven-sigs)))) (b* ((w (make-vl-warning :type :vl-output-constant :msg "In ~a0, somehow we have occurrences driving the ~ wires T and F. Is this module somehow trying to ~ drive a value onto a constant or something?" :args (list :fatalp t :fn 'vl-module-make-esim))) (mv (change-vl-module x :warnings (cons w warnings)) eal))) ((when (or (member 'acl2::vl-driver-for-constant-t all-names) (member 'acl2::vl-driver-for-constant-f all-names))) (b* ((w (make-vl-warning :type :vl-name-clash :msg "~a0 contains a wire named vl-driver-for-constant-t or ~ vl-driver-for-constant-f, so we're dying badly." :args (list :fatalp t :fn 'vl-module-make-esim))) (mv (change-vl-module x :warnings (cons w warnings)) eal))) (occs (list* (list :u 'acl2::vl-driver-for-constant-t :op acl2::*esim-t* :i nil :o '((t))) (list :u 'acl2::vl-driver-for-constant-f :op acl2::*esim-f* :i nil :o '((acl2::f))) occs)) (occs (vl-add-res-modules all-names occs)) (driven-sigs (collect-signal-list :o occs)) ((unless (uniquep driven-sigs)) (b* ((w (make-vl-warning :type :vl-programming-error :msg "~a0: after resolving multiply driven wires, we ~ somehow have multiple drivers for ~&1." :args (list (duplicated-members driven-sigs)) :fatalp t :fn 'vl-module-make-esim))) (mv (change-vl-module x :warnings (cons w warnings)) eal))) (in-driven (intersect (mergesort driven-sigs) (mergesort flat-in))) ((when in-driven) (b* ((w (make-vl-warning :type :vl-backflow :msg "~a0: input bits ~&1 are being driven from within ~ the module!" :args (list (vl-verilogify-emodwirelist in-driven)) :fatalp t :fn 'vl-module-make-esim))) (mv (change-vl-module x :warnings (cons w warnings)) eal))) ((mv warnings dwires) (vl-collect-design-wires x walist warnings)) (esim (list :n starname :i in :o out :occs occs :a (list (cons :design-wires dwires) (cons :wire-alist walist)))) ((unless (good-esim-modulep esim)) (b* (((cons details args) (bad-esim-modulep esim)) (w (make-vl-warning :type :vl-programming-error :msg (cat ": failed to make a good esim module. " "Details: " details) :args args :fatalp t :fn 'vl-module-make-esim))) (mv (change-vl-module x :warnings (cons w warnings)) eal))) (x-prime (change-vl-module x :warnings warnings :esim esim)) (eal (hons-acons esim eal))) (mv x-prime eal))))
(defthm (implies (force (vl-module-p x)) (b* (((mv ?new-x ?eal) (vl-module-make-esim x mods modalist eal))) (vl-module-p new-x))) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm vl-module->name-of-vl-module-make-esim (let ((ret (vl-module-make-esim x mods modalist eal))) (equal (vl-module->name (mv-nth 0 ret)) (vl-module->name x))))
(defthm good-esim-modulep-of-vl-module-make-esim (let ((ret (vl-module-make-esim x mods modalist eal))) (implies (and (vl-module->esim (mv-nth 0 ret)) (force (vl-module-p x)) (force (vl-ealist-p eal))) (good-esim-modulep (vl-module->esim (mv-nth 0 ret))))))
(defthm vl-ealist-p-vl-module-make-esim (let ((ret (vl-module-make-esim x mods modalist eal))) (implies (and (force (vl-module-p x)) (force (vl-ealist-p eal))) (vl-ealist-p (mv-nth 1 ret)))))