Primitive 1-bit (less conservative) multiplexor module.
The Verilog definition of this module is:
module VL_1_BIT_MUX (out, sel, a, b) ; output out; input sel; input a; input b; assign out = sel ? a : b; endmodule
VL takes this as a primitive. The corresponding esim primitive is ACL2::*esim-unsafe-mux*.
Ordinarily, VL will not use this module. Instead,
The only reason we have this module at all is that, occasionally, you may
find that an approx mux is too conservative. If this causes you problems, you
may instruct VL to instead produce a less-conservative
In the ESIM semantics, a
In these cases, an approx-mux produces
This less-conservative behavior may not necessarily be a realistic model of how some physical muxes will operate, and may lead to somewhat slower symbolic simulation performance in certain cases. For additional discussion of these issues, see *vl-1-bit-approx-mux* and ACL2::4v-ite.
Note that, like an approx-mux, a
(defconst *vl-1-bit-mux* (b* ((name "VL_1_BIT_MUX") (atts '(("VL_PRIMITIVE") ("VL_HANDS_OFF"))) ((mv out-expr out-port out-portdecl out-vardecl) (vl-primitive-mkport "out" :vl-output)) ((mv sel-expr sel-port sel-portdecl sel-vardecl) (vl-primitive-mkport "sel" :vl-input)) ((mv a-expr a-port a-portdecl a-vardecl) (vl-primitive-mkport "a" :vl-input)) ((mv b-expr b-port b-portdecl b-vardecl) (vl-primitive-mkport "b" :vl-input)) (assign (make-vl-assign :lvalue out-expr :expr (make-vl-nonatom :op :vl-qmark :args (list sel-expr a-expr b-expr) :finalwidth 1 :finaltype :vl-unsigned) :loc *vl-fakeloc*))) (hons-copy (make-vl-module :name name :origname name :ports (list out-port sel-port a-port b-port) :portdecls (list out-portdecl sel-portdecl a-portdecl b-portdecl) :vardecls (list out-vardecl sel-vardecl a-vardecl b-vardecl) :assigns (list assign) :minloc *vl-fakeloc* :maxloc *vl-fakeloc* :atts atts :esim acl2::*esim-unsafe-mux*))))