Arity-checks a gate instance and annotates its arguments with their directions.
(vl-gateinst-dirassign x warnings) → (mv warnings new-x)
We also check for blank arguments in gates during this function. BOZO this is convenient but isn't necessarily a very sensible place to do this.
(defun vl-gateinst-dirassign (x warnings) (declare (xargs :guard (and (vl-gateinst-p x) (vl-warninglist-p warnings)))) (let ((__function__ 'vl-gateinst-dirassign)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((x (vl-gateinst-fix x)) ((vl-gateinst x) x) (nargs (len x.args)) (warnings (if (vl-plainarglist-blankfree-p x.args) (ok) (warn :type :vl-warn-blank-gateargs :msg "~a0 has \"blank\" arguments; we treat these as ~ unconnected wires, but other tools like Cadence's ~ Verilog-XL simulator do not seem to support this." :args (list x)))) ((mv warnings args-prime) (case x.type ((:vl-and :vl-nand :vl-nor :vl-or :vl-xor :vl-xnor) (if (< nargs 2) (mv (fatal :type :vl-bad-gate :msg "~a0 has ~s1." :args (list x (if (= nargs 1) "only one argument" "no arguments"))) x.args) (mv (ok) (cons (change-vl-plainarg (car x.args) :dir :vl-output) (vl-plainarglist-assign-dir :vl-input (cdr x.args)))))) ((:vl-buf :vl-not) (if (< nargs 2) (mv (fatal :type :vl-bad-gate :msg "~a0 has ~s1." :args (list x (if (= nargs 1) "only one argument" "no arguments"))) x.args) (mv (ok) (vl-plainarglist-assign-last-dir :vl-input (vl-plainarglist-assign-dir :vl-output x.args))))) ((:vl-bufif0 :vl-bufif1 :vl-notif0 :vl-notif1 :vl-nmos :vl-pmos :vl-rnmos :vl-rpmos) (if (/= nargs 3) (mv (fatal :type :vl-bad-gate :msg "~a0 has ~x1 argument~s2, but must have ~ exactly 3 arguments." :args (list x nargs (if (= nargs 1) "s" ""))) x.args) (mv (ok) (cons (change-vl-plainarg (car x.args) :dir :vl-output) (vl-plainarglist-assign-dir :vl-input (cdr x.args)))))) ((:vl-tranif1 :vl-tranif0 :vl-rtranif1 :vl-rtranif0) (if (/= nargs 3) (mv (fatal :type :vl-bad-gate :msg "~a0 has ~x1 argument~s2, but must have ~ exactly 3 arguments." :args (list x nargs (if (= nargs 1) "s" ""))) x.args) (mv (ok) (list (change-vl-plainarg (first x.args) :dir :vl-inout) (change-vl-plainarg (second x.args) :dir :vl-inout) (change-vl-plainarg (third x.args) :dir :vl-input))))) ((:vl-tran :vl-rtran) (if (/= nargs 2) (mv (fatal :type :vl-bad-gate :msg "~a0 has ~x1 argument~s2, but must have ~ exactly 2 arguments." :args (list x nargs (if (= nargs 1) "s" ""))) x.args) (mv (ok) (list (change-vl-plainarg (first x.args) :dir :vl-inout) (change-vl-plainarg (second x.args) :dir :vl-inout))))) ((:vl-cmos :vl-rcmos) (if (/= nargs 4) (mv (fatal :type :vl-bad-gate :msg "~a0 has ~x1 argument~s2, but must have ~ exactly 4 arguments." :args (list x nargs (if (= nargs 1) "s" ""))) x.args) (mv (ok) (list (change-vl-plainarg (first x.args) :dir :vl-output) (change-vl-plainarg (second x.args) :dir :vl-input) (change-vl-plainarg (third x.args) :dir :vl-input) (change-vl-plainarg (fourth x.args) :dir :vl-input))))) ((:vl-pullup :vl-pulldown) (mv (ok) (vl-plainarglist-assign-dir :vl-output x.args))) (otherwise (progn$ (impossible) (mv (ok) x.args))))) (x-prime (change-vl-gateinst x :args args-prime))) (mv (ok) x-prime))))
(defthm vl-warninglist-p-of-vl-gateinst-dirassign.warnings (b* (((mv ?warnings ?new-x) (vl-gateinst-dirassign x warnings))) (vl-warninglist-p warnings)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm (b* (((mv ?warnings ?new-x) (vl-gateinst-dirassign x warnings))) (vl-gateinst-p new-x)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm vl-gateinst-dirassign-of-vl-gateinst-fix-x (equal (vl-gateinst-dirassign (vl-gateinst-fix x) warnings) (vl-gateinst-dirassign x warnings)))
(defthm vl-gateinst-dirassign-vl-gateinst-equiv-congruence-on-x (implies (vl-gateinst-equiv x x-equiv) (equal (vl-gateinst-dirassign x warnings) (vl-gateinst-dirassign x-equiv warnings))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm vl-gateinst-dirassign-of-vl-warninglist-fix-warnings (equal (vl-gateinst-dirassign x (vl-warninglist-fix warnings)) (vl-gateinst-dirassign x warnings)))
(defthm vl-gateinst-dirassign-vl-warninglist-equiv-congruence-on-warnings (implies (vl-warninglist-equiv warnings warnings-equiv) (equal (vl-gateinst-dirassign x warnings) (vl-gateinst-dirassign x warnings-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)