built-in ACL2 functions
Major Section: ACL2 Documentation
The built-in ACL2 functions that one typically uses in writing programs are
listed below. See their individual documentations. We do not bother to
document some of the more obscure functions provided by ACL2 that do not
correspond to functions of Common Lisp.
Some Related Topics
* -- multiplication macro
*STANDARD-CI* -- an ACL2 character-based analogue of CLTL's *standard-input*
*STANDARD-CO* -- the ACL2 analogue of CLTL's *standard-output*
*STANDARD-OI* -- an ACL2 object-based analogue of CLTL's *standard-input*
+ -- addition macro
- -- macro for subtraction and negation
/ -- macro for division and reciprocal
/= -- test inequality of two numbers
1+ -- increment by 1
1- -- decrement by 1
< -- less-than
<= -- less-than-or-equal test
= -- test equality of two numbers
> -- greater-than test
>= -- greater-than-or-equal test
ABS -- the absolute value of a real number
ACL2-NUMBERP -- recognizer for numbers
ACL2-USER -- a package the ACL2 user may prefer
ACONS -- constructor for association lists
ALISTP -- recognizer for association lists
ALPHA-CHAR-P -- recognizer for alphabetic characters
ALPHORDER -- total order on atoms
AND -- conjunction
ARRAYS -- an introduction to ACL2 arrays
ASH -- arithmetic shift operation
ASSERT$ -- cause a hard error if the given test is false
ASSOC -- look up key in association list, using eql
as test
ASSOC-EQ -- look up key in association list, using eq
as test
ASSOC-EQUAL -- look up key in association list
ASSOC-STRING-EQUAL -- look up key, a string, in association list
ATOM -- recognizer for atoms
ATOM-LISTP -- recognizer for a true list of atoms
BINARY-* -- multiplication function
BINARY-+ -- addition function
BOOLE$ -- perform a bit-wise logical operation on 2 two's complement integers
BOOLEANP -- recognizer for booleans
BUTLAST -- all but a final segment of a list
CAR -- returns the first element of a non-empty list, else nil
CASE -- conditional based on if-then-else using eql
CASE-MATCH -- pattern matching or destructuring
CDR -- returns the second element of a cons
pair, else nil
CEILING -- division returning an integer by truncating toward positive infinity
CHAR -- the nth element (zero-based) of a string
CHAR-CODE -- the numeric code for a given character
CHAR-EQUAL -- character equality without regard to case
CHAR>= -- greater-than-or-equal test for characters
CHARACTER-ALISTP -- recognizer for association lists with characters as keys
CHARACTER-LISTP -- recognizer for a true list of characters
CHARACTERS -- characters in ACL2
CODE-CHAR -- the character corresponding to a given numeric code
COERCE -- coerce a character list to a string and a string to a list
COMP-GCL -- compile some ACL2 functions leaving .c and .h files
COMPILATION -- compiling ACL2 functions
COMPLEX -- create an ACL2 number
COMPLEX-RATIONALP -- recognizes complex rational numbers
CONCATENATE -- concatenate lists or strings together
COND -- conditional based on if-then-else
CONJUGATE -- complex number conjugate
CONS -- pair and list constructor
CONSP -- recognizer for cons pairs
CW -- print to the comment window
CW! -- print to the comment window
DECLARE -- declarations
DEFCONST -- define a constant
DEFN -- definition with guard t
DEFPKG -- define a new symbol package
DEFUN -- define a function symbol
DENOMINATOR -- divisor of a ratio in lowest terms
DIGIT-CHAR-P -- the number, if any, corresponding to a given character
DIGIT-TO-CHAR -- map a digit to a character
E0-ORD-< -- the old ordering function for ACL2 ordinals
E0-ORDINALP -- the old recognizer for ACL2 ordinals
EC-CALL -- execute a call in the ACL2 logic instead of raw Lisp
EIGHTH -- eighth member of the list
ENDP -- recognizer for empty lists
EQ -- equality of symbols
EQL -- test equality (of two numbers, symbols, or characters)
EQLABLE-ALISTP -- recognizer for a true list of pairs whose car
s are suitable for eql
EQLABLE-LISTP -- recognizer for a true list of objects each suitable for eql
EQUAL -- true equality
ER -- print an error message and ``cause an error''
ER-PROGN -- perform a sequence of state-changing ``error triples''
ERROR1 -- print an error message and cause a ``soft error''
EVENP -- test whether an integer is even
EXPT -- exponential function
FIFTH -- fifth member of the list
FIRST -- first member of the list
FIX -- coerce to a number
FLET -- local binding of function symbols
FLOOR -- division returning an integer by truncating toward negative infinity
FMS -- :(str alist co-channel state evisc) => state
FMS! -- :(str alist co-channel state evisc) => state
FMT -- formatted printing
FMT! -- :(str alist co-channel state evisc) => state
FMT1 -- :(str alist col co-channel state evisc) => (mv col state)
FMT1! -- :(str alist col channel state evisc) => (mv col state)
FOURTH -- fourth member of the list
GETENV$ -- read an environment variable
GETPROP -- access fast property lists
HARD-ERROR -- print an error message and stop execution
IDENTITY -- the identity function
IF -- if-then-else function
IFF -- logical ``if and only if''
IFIX -- coerce to an integer
ILLEGAL -- print an error message and stop execution
IMAGPART -- imaginary part of a complex number
IMPLIES -- logical implication
IMPROPER-CONSP -- recognizer for improper (non-null-terminated) non-empty lists
INT= -- test equality of two integers
INTEGER-LENGTH -- number of bits in two's complement integer representation
INTEGER-LISTP -- recognizer for a true list of integers
INTEGERP -- recognizer for whole numbers
INTERN -- create a new symbol in a given package
INTERN$ -- create a new symbol in a given package
INTERSECTP -- test whether two lists of eqlablep
objects intersect
INTERSECTP-EQ -- test whether two lists of symbols intersect
INTERSECTP-EQUAL -- test whether two lists intersect
IRRELEVANT-FORMALS -- formals that are used but only insignificantly
KEYWORD-VALUE-LISTP -- recognizer for true lists whose even-position elements are keywords
KEYWORDP -- recognizer for keywords
KWOTE -- quote an arbitrary object
KWOTE-LST -- quote an arbitrary true list of objects
LAST -- the last cons
(not element) of a list
LEN -- length of a list
LENGTH -- length of a string or proper list
LET -- binding of lexically scoped (local) variables
LET* -- binding of lexically scoped (local) variables
LEXORDER -- total order on ACL2 objects
LIST -- build a list
LIST* -- build a list
LISTP -- recognizer for (not necessarily proper) lists
LOGAND -- bitwise logical `and' of zero or more integers
LOGANDC1 -- bitwise logical `and' of two ints, complementing the first
LOGANDC2 -- bitwise logical `and' of two ints, complementing the second
LOGBITP -- the i
th bit of an integer
LOGCOUNT -- number of ``on'' bits in a two's complement number
LOGEQV -- bitwise logical equivalence of zero or more integers
LOGIOR -- bitwise logical inclusive or of zero or more integers
LOGNAND -- bitwise logical `nand' of two integers
LOGNOR -- bitwise logical `nor' of two integers
LOGNOT -- bitwise not of a two's complement number
LOGORC1 -- bitwise logical inclusive or of two ints, complementing the first
LOGORC2 -- bitwise logical inclusive or of two ints, complementing the second
LOGTEST -- test if two integers share a `1' bit
LOGXOR -- bitwise logical exclusive or of zero or more integers
LOWER-CASE-P -- recognizer for lower case characters
MAKE-LIST -- make a list of a given size
MAKE-ORD -- a constructor for ordinals.
MAX -- the larger of two numbers
MBE -- attach code for execution
MBT -- introduce a test not to be evaluated
MEMBER -- membership predicate, using eql
as test
MEMBER-EQ -- membership predicate, using eq
as test
MIN -- the smaller of two numbers
MINUSP -- test whether a number is negative
MOD -- remainder using floor
MOD-EXPT -- exponential function
MUST-BE-EQUAL -- attach code for execution
MUTUAL-RECURSION -- define some mutually recursive functions
MV -- returning a multiple value
MV-LET -- calling multi-valued ACL2 functions
MV-LIST -- converting multiple-valued result to a single-valued list
MV-NTH -- the mv-nth element (zero-based) of a list
NATP -- a recognizer for the natural numbers
NFIX -- coerce to a natural number
NINTH -- ninth member of the list
NO-DUPLICATESP -- check for duplicates in a list (using eql
for equality)
NO-DUPLICATESP-EQUAL -- check for duplicates in a list (using equal
for equality)
NOT -- logical negation
NTH -- the nth element (zero-based) of a list
NTHCDR -- final segment of a list
NULL -- recognizer for the empty list
NUMERATOR -- dividend of a ratio in lowest terms
O-FINP -- recognizes if an ordinal is finite
O-FIRST-COEFF -- returns the first coefficient of an ordinal
O-FIRST-EXPT -- the first exponent of an ordinal
O-INFP -- recognizes if an ordinal is infinite
O-P -- a recognizer for the ordinals up to epsilon-0
O-RST -- returns the rest of an infinite ordinal
O< -- the well-founded less-than relation on ordinals up to epsilon-0
O<= -- the less-than-or-equal relation for the ordinals
O> -- the greater-than relation for the ordinals
O>= -- the greater-than-or-equal relation for the ordinals
ODDP -- test whether an integer is odd
OR -- disjunction
PAIRLIS$ -- zipper together two lists
PKG-WITNESS -- return a specific symbol in the indicated package
PLUSP -- test whether a number is positive
POSITION -- position of an item in a string or a list, using eql
as test
POSITION-EQ -- position of an item in a string or a list, using eq
as test
POSITION-EQUAL -- position of an item in a string or a list
POSP -- a recognizer for the positive integers
PPROGN -- evaluate a sequence of forms that return state
PROG2$ -- execute two forms and return the value of the second one
PROOFS-CO -- the proofs character output channel
PROPER-CONSP -- recognizer for proper (null-terminated) non-empty lists
PUT-ASSOC-EQ -- modify an association list by associating a value with a key
PUT-ASSOC-EQL -- modify an association list by associating a value with a key
PUT-ASSOC-EQUAL -- modify an association list by associating a value with a key
PUTPROP -- update fast property lists
RANDOM$ -- obtain a random value
RASSOC -- look up value in association list, using eql
as test
RASSOC-EQ -- look up value in association list, using eq
as test
RASSOC-EQUAL -- look up value in association list, using equal
as test
RATIONAL-LISTP -- recognizer for a true list of rational numbers
RATIONALP -- recognizer for rational numbers (ratios and integers)
REAL/RATIONALP -- recognizer for rational numbers (including real number in ACL2(r))
REALFIX -- coerce to a real number
REALPART -- real part of a complex number
REDEFINING-PROGRAMS -- an explanation of why we restrict redefinitions
REMOVE -- remove all occurrences, testing using eql
REMOVE-DUPLICATES -- remove duplicates from a string or (using eql
) a list
REMOVE-EQ -- remove all occurrences, testing using eq
REMOVE-EQUAL -- remove all occurrences, testing using equal
REMOVE1 -- remove first occurrences, testing using eql
REMOVE1-EQ -- remove first occurrences, testing using eq
REMOVE1-EQUAL -- remove first occurrences, testing using equal
REST -- rest (cdr
) of the list
REVAPPEND -- concatentate the reverse of one list to another
REVERSE -- reverse a list or string
RFIX -- coerce to a rational number
ROUND -- division returning an integer by rounding off
SEARCH -- search for a string or list in another string or list
SECOND -- second member of the list
SET-COMPILE-FNS -- have each function compiled as you go along.
SET-DIFFERENCE-EQ -- elements of one list that are not elements of another
SET-DIFFERENCE-EQUAL -- elements of one list that are not elements of another
SET-IGNORE-OK -- allow unused formals and locals without an ignore
or ignorable
SET-STATE-OK -- allow the use of STATE as a formal parameter
SETENV$ -- set an environment variable
SEVENTH -- seventh member of the list
SIGNUM -- indicator for positive, negative, or zero
SIXTH -- sixth member of the list
STANDARD-CHAR-LISTP -- recognizer for a true list of standard characters
STANDARD-CHAR-P -- recognizer for standard characters
STANDARD-CO -- the character output channel to which ld
STANDARD-OI -- the standard object input ``channel''
STANDARD-STRING-ALISTP -- recognizer for association lists with standard strings as keys
STRING-DOWNCASE -- in a given string, turn upper-case characters into lower-case
STRING-EQUAL -- string equality without regard to case
STRING-LISTP -- recognizer for a true list of strings
STRING-UPCASE -- in a given string, turn lower-case characters into upper-case
STRING< -- less-than test for strings
STRING<= -- less-than-or-equal test for strings
STRING> -- greater-than test for strings
STRING>= -- less-than-or-equal test for strings
STRINGP -- recognizer for strings
STRIP-CARS -- collect up all first components of pairs in a list
STRIP-CDRS -- collect up all second components of pairs in a list
SUBLIS -- substitute an alist into a tree
SUBSEQ -- subsequence of a string or list
SUBSETP -- test if every member
of one list is a member
of the other
SUBSETP-EQUAL -- check if all members of one list are members of the other
SUBST -- a single substitution into a tree
SUBSTITUTE -- substitute into a string or a list, using eql
as test
SYMBOL-< -- less-than test for symbols
SYMBOL-ALISTP -- recognizer for association lists with symbols as keys
SYMBOL-LISTP -- recognizer for a true list of symbols
SYMBOL-NAME -- the name of a symbol (a string)
SYMBOL-PACKAGE-NAME -- the name of the package of a symbol (a string)
SYMBOLP -- recognizer for symbols
SYS-CALL -- make a system call to the host operating system
SYS-CALL-STATUS -- exit status from the preceding system call
TAKE -- initial segment of a list
TENTH -- tenth member of the list
THE -- run-time type check
THIRD -- third member of the list
TIME$ -- time an evaluation
TRACE -- tracing functions in ACL2
TRUE-LIST-LISTP -- recognizer for true (proper) lists of true lists
TRUE-LISTP -- recognizer for proper (null-terminated) lists
TRUNCATE -- division returning an integer by truncating toward 0
TYPE-SPEC -- type specifiers in declarations
UNARY-- -- arithmetic negation function
UNARY-/ -- reciprocal function
UNION-EQ -- union of two lists of symbols
UPDATE-NTH -- modify a list by putting the given value at the given position
UPPER-CASE-P -- recognizer for upper case characters
XOR -- logical ``exclusive or''
ZEROP -- test an acl2-number against 0
ZIP -- testing an ``integer'' against 0
ZP -- testing a ``natural'' against 0
ZPF -- testing a nonnegative fixnum against 0
See any documentation for Common Lisp for more details on many of these