Major Section: PROGRAMMING
Examples: The symbol INTEGER in (declare (type INTEGER i j k)) is a type-spec. Other type-specs supported by ACL2 include RATIONAL, COMPLEX, (INTEGER 0 127), (RATIONAL 1 *), CHARACTER, and ATOM.
The type-specs and their meanings (when applied to the variable x
as in (declare (type type-spec x))
are given below.
type-spec meaning (AND type1 ... typek) (AND (p1 X) ... (pk X)) where (pj x) is the meaning for type-spec typej ATOM (ATOM X) BIT (OR (EQUAL X 1) (EQUAL X 0)) CHARACTER (CHARACTERP X) COMPLEX (AND (COMPLEX-RATIONALP X) (RATIONALP (REALPART X)) (RATIONALP (IMAGPART X))) (COMPLEX RATIONAL) same as COMPLEX, above (COMPLEX type) (AND (COMPLEX-RATIONALP X) (p (REALPART X)) (p (IMAGPART X))) where (p x) is the meaning for type-spec type CONS (CONSP X) INTEGER (INTEGERP X) (INTEGER i j) (AND (INTEGERP X) ; See notes below (<= i X) (<= X j)) (MEMBER x1 ... xn) (MEMBER X '(x1 ... xn)) (MOD i) same as (INTEGER 0 i-1) NIL NIL (NOT type) (NOT (p X)) where (p x) is the meaning for type-spec type NULL (EQ X NIL) (OR type1 ... typek) (OR (p1 X) ... (pk X)) where (pj x) is the meaning for type-spec typej RATIO (AND (RATIONALP X) (NOT (INTEGERP X))) RATIONAL (RATIONALP X) (RATIONAL i j) (AND (RATIONALP X) ; See notes below (<= i X) (<= X j)) REAL (RATIONALP X) ; (REALP X) in ACL2(r) (REAL i j) (AND (RATIONALP X) ; See notes below (<= i X) (<= X j)) (SATISFIES pred) (pred X) ; Lisp requires a unary function, not a macro SIGNED-BYTE (INTEGERP X) (SIGNED-BYTE i) same as (INTEGER k m) where k=-2^(i-1), m=2^(i-1)-1 STANDARD-CHAR (STANDARD-CHARP X) STRING (STRINGP X) (STRING max) (AND (STRINGP X) (EQUAL (LENGTH X) max)) SYMBOL (SYMBOLP X) T T UNSIGNED-BYTE same as (INTEGER 0 *) (UNSIGNED-BYTE i) same as (INTEGER 0 (2^i)-1)Notes:
In general, (integer i j)
(AND (INTEGERP X) (<= i X) (<= X j)).But if
is the symbol *
, the first inequality is omitted. If j
is the symbol *
, the second inequality is omitted. If instead of
being an integer, the second element of the type specification is a
list containing an integer, (i)
, then the first inequality is made
strict. An analogous remark holds for the (j)
case. The RATIONAL
and REAL
type specifiers are similarly generalized.