CS 361s: Network Security and Privacy

In the news

When interesting things happen over the semester, I'll post them here.

3/7/2015 - Fridge caught sending spam emails in botnet attack

So we talk about it a lot- the Internet of Things. It's a huge risk that the general population doesn't seem to be too concerned about: embedded devices have crap security because there has been no real pressure to secure them, but now they're being put on the Internet and well...

"Spam doesn't need to be refrigerated." --/u/AnswerableQuestion

2/9/2015 - Today I Am Releasing Ten Million Passwords :: xato.net

Security researcher releases 10-million username and password combinations, fairly unusual. Article is mostly "this is why you shouldn't arrest me", download link at the bottom. In case you're curious, here's the top 20 passwords:

  55893 123456
  20785 password
  13582 12345678
  13230 qwerty
  11696 123456789
  10938 12345
  6432 1234
  5682 111111
  4796 1234567
  4191 dragon
  3845 123123
  3734 baseball
  3664 abc123
  3655 football
  3330 monkey
  3206 letmein
  3136 shadow
  3126 master
  3050 696969
  3002 michael

Since what makes this dump unusual is the inclusion of usernames, here's the top-20 usernames as well:

  2119 admin
  1323 michael
  1113 robert
  1095 2000
  1049 john
  1041 david
  967 null
  940 richard
  922 thomas
  901 chris
  866 mike
  843 steve
  832 dave
  816 daniel
  812 andrew
  797 george
  765 james
  735 mark
  730 dragon