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Level-2 BLAS implementation

In Section 1.2, we gave the following description for the Cholesky factorization of tex2html_wrap_inline16196 matrix A:


where tex2html_wrap_inline16200 and tex2html_wrap_inline16202 are scalars and tex2html_wrap_inline16204 and tex2html_wrap_inline16206 are vectors of length n-1 . The tex2html_wrap_inline16210 indicates the symmetric part of A . Now,


This in turn yields the equations


We conclude that the following steps will implement the Cholesky factorization, overwriting the lower triangular portion of A with L :

Given the PLAPACK level-1 and level-2 BLAS operations described in previous chapters, a complete implementation is given in Figure 8.1. In this implementation, the ``current'' matrix A is referenced by acur. The routine Take_sqrt overwrites the view of tex2html_wrap_inline16230 sub-matrix tex2html_wrap_inline16232 by its square-root. The comments to the right of the algorithm give essentially the description of the algorithm as presented in the text. Notice that indeed the code is line-for-line a translation of this algorithm.

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