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Level-2 BLAS implementation

Consider the partitioning


The blockings of matrices A and L are identical. Blocks tex2html_wrap_inline16279 and tex2html_wrap_inline16281 are scalars, tex2html_wrap_inline16283 and tex2html_wrap_inline16285 are row vectors, and tex2html_wrap_inline16287 and tex2html_wrap_inline16289 are column vectors. Sub-matrices tex2html_wrap_inline16291 , tex2html_wrap_inline16293 , tex2html_wrap_inline16295 , and tex2html_wrap_inline16297 are square matrices.

The assumption is that bold-face parts of the lower triangular matrix have already been computed, and have overwritten the corresponding parts of A . The rest of the matrix has not been updated at all, and the object of the next step is to compute the next parts of the lower triangular matrix, tex2html_wrap_inline16301 and tex2html_wrap_inline16303 , overwriting the corresponding parts of A . From the above equation, we derive


Thus if tex2html_wrap_inline16307 and tex2html_wrap_inline16309 are to be updated by tex2html_wrap_inline16311 and tex2html_wrap_inline16313 , the following step will suffice:


The algorithm of left looking version of Cholesky factorization can be given as follows using the above equations

The PLAPACK implementation using global level-2 BLAS is given in Figure 8.3. In this code, at the top of the loop, a_1 references the matrix


and a_cur the matrix


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