Statistical Learning and Data Mining

SSC 358/CS 363D, Spring 2014
GDC 1.304, Mon & Wed 3:30 - 5:00 pm

Home | Instructor | Syllabus | Homeworks | Projects


Each student is expected to submit an individually written homework. When using information from papers, or other external sources, please cite this information. The homeworks will be be due the beginning of class on the due date, unless otherwise specified. There will be two "free" late days, that you could use either all on one homework, or on two different homeworks. Otherwise, a homework will be worth 50% if one day late, and 0% if it is two or more days late. It is required to submit all homeworks even if after two days, if you do not want an incomplete grade.

For the latest details, please see the class Piazza site.