Peter Stone's Selected Publications

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The Essentials of AI for Life and Society: An AI Literacy Course for the University Community

The Essentials of AI for Life and Society: An AI Literacy Course for the University Community.
Joydeep Biswas, Don Fussell, Peter Stone, Kristin Patterson, Kristen Procko, Lea Sabatini, and Zifan Xu.
In Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence, March 2025.




We describe the development of a one-credit course to promote AI literacy at TheUniversity of Texas at Austin. In response to a call for the rapid deployment ofclass to serve a broad audience in Fall of 2023, we designed a 14-weekseminar-style course that incorporated an interdisciplinary group of speakers wholectured on topics ranging from the fundamentals of AI to societal concernsincluding disinformation and employment. University students, faculty, and staff,and even community members outside of the University, were invited to enroll inthis online offering: The Essentials of AI for Life and Society. We collectedfeedback from course participants through weekly reflections and a final survey.Satisfyingly, we found that attendees reported gains in their AI literacy. Wesought critical feedback through quantitative and qualitative analysis, whichuncovered challenges in designing a course for this general audience. We utilizedthe course feedback to design a three-credit version of the course that is beingoffered in Fall of 2024. The lessons we learned and our plans for this newiteration may serve as a guide to instructors designing AI courses for a broadaudience.

BibTeX Entry

  author   = {Joydeep Biswas and Don Fussell and Peter Stone and Kristin Patterson and Kristen Procko and Lea Sabatini and Zifan Xu},
  title    = {The Essentials of AI for Life and Society: An AI Literacy Course for the University Community},
  booktitle = {Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence},
  year     = {2025},
  month    = {March},
  location = {Philadelphia, United States},
  abstract = {We describe the development of a one-credit course to promote AI literacy at The
University of Texas at Austin. In response to a call for the rapid deployment of
class to serve a broad audience in Fall of 2023, we designed a 14-week
seminar-style course that incorporated an interdisciplinary group of speakers who
lectured on topics ranging from the fundamentals of AI to societal concerns
including disinformation and employment. University students, faculty, and staff,
and even community members outside of the University, were invited to enroll in
this online offering: The Essentials of AI for Life and Society. We collected
feedback from course participants through weekly reflections and a final survey.
Satisfyingly, we found that attendees reported gains in their AI literacy. We
sought critical feedback through quantitative and qualitative analysis, which
uncovered challenges in designing a course for this general audience. We utilized
the course feedback to design a three-credit version of the course that is being
offered in Fall of 2024. The lessons we learned and our plans for this new
iteration may serve as a guide to instructors designing AI courses for a broad

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