Simulated Laser Rangefinder Images

These images were collected using the Spot Control Panelof the Flat5 display. The GIF images were generated by the LaserShow program.

Single laser mounted on top of Spot

File: /u/robot/flat-root/data/

Step 44, turning toward the Robot Lab.

Step 59, inside the Robot Lab, looking out the door.

Step 104, looking down the hallway toward the elevator.

Dual lasers mounted on the sides of Spot

File: /u/robot/flat-root/data/

Step 6, heading down the hallway toward the Robot Lab.

Step 65, right laser sees into Robot Lab.

Step 66, turning toward the Robot Lab.

Step 69, in the doorway, most of the Lab is visible to the right laser.

Step 73, right laser sees into Robot Lab.

Step 77, just inside the Robot Lab.

Step 110, at the far end of the Robot Lab, facing the door.

Step 131, in the doorway, exiting the Robot Lab.

Step 133, farther out into the hallway.

Step 180, back down the hallway, toward the elevator.

[FLAT home]

Author: Mike Hewett