CS378 Neuroevolution
Fall 2024, Tue & Wed 3:30-5pm CT, UTC 4.134
Unique number 50710
- Instructor:
Risto Miikkulainen
Office hrs Tuesdays 7-8pm CT GDC 3.826 (exceptions)
- TA:
Saina Razvani
Office hrs Fridays 1:30 - 2:30pm CT Zoom link: https://utexas.zoom.us/j/3835816914
- Text:
Sebastian Risi, David
Ha, Yujin
Tang, and Risto Miikkulainen (2025, forthcoming).
Neuroevolution: Harnessing
Creativity in AI Model Design. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
(available online this semester).
- Organization:
The class follows the traditional format: reading assignments from
the textbook for each lecture, homework assignments throughout the
semester, a midterm exam, and a final exam. For those students who
may want to continue research on neuroevolution, it is also possible
to do a small optional project.
- Grading:
30% Homework
25% Midterm (in class on 10/9/24)
35% Final (3:30-5:30pm on 12/13/24 in GDC 2.216)
10% Review questions
+5% Project (extra credit)
- No makeup exams without a valid proof of unexpected emergency.
- You have five late days for which there is no penalty. After those
five days are used up over the semester, turning homework in late
will reduce the grade 15% for the first 24hrs, 40% for the second,
75% for the third, and 100% after that.
- Plus/minus final grades will be used; attendance will not affect the
final grade.
- Students with disabilities may request appropriate academic
accommodations from the
Services for Students with
- Cheating will not be tolerated; see Standards of Conduct
- More details:
Class Description
Class Schedule
Review Questions
Class Resources
- Interesting and useful links:
Neuroevolution Demos
Risto @ Lex Fridman
Cognizant AI Labs
Last modified: Tue Feb 25 12:51:42 CST 2025